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  1. Alright, if the Imperials won the civil war, enter prid 2581f in the console, if it was the Stormcloaks enter prid 25820 instead. Then enter enable and that should fix it.
  2. (I've already replied to the above post through reddit) It's finally out! http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86075/
  3. Thanks! I'm not looking for any more voice actors, thanks for offering though.
  4. It's in the testing phase now, and might get released this month, if things go well.
  5. I am still working on this. I can't say for sure when it will be released, it might be out by April.
  6. Do you have any samples of what you can do? If not I can message you some example lines. I have one other mod I did, I have the voice files here for what he wanted me to do... I don't know how good it is, but I'll let you judge. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ucrg8pe6j65ur2/Redgaurd%20Skyrim%20Thug%20Voice%20Files.zip?dl=0 that's the only thing in my profile of what i've done. It's not using my natural voice, he wanted me to try and sound "evil" so it's not my favorite attempt :/ but it's all I have to go off of! Well why don't you pick an NPC or two from the list and message me which ones you picked, and then I can send you some lines and see how you do with that.
  7. Do you have any samples of what you can do? If not I can message you some example lines.
  8. 1. You'll have to wait and see. 2. The Redguards will be involved, but it will depend on how things go in your play-through. 3. Yeah, they would eventually just appoint someone else as Emperor anyway. 4. There won't be any need for that, I think generally the Orcs like the Empire and the ones in Skyrim probably don't want the Dominion taking over anyway. There are already Orcs in the Imperial ranks so there wouldn't be any need to go around recruiting them.
  9. 1. Skyrim 2. Yes, somewhat 3. Not really 4. It should work fine, but it's always best to start a new game with anything this big. Once in a while you should see an Orc or two in the Imperial ranks. If you play as an Imperial in the Civil War, yes.
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