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  1. You've got a nice voice, but your sample just sounds like you're reading off the lines. Put some emotion in there, some acting. Make a character, and how would that character say these things? You are correct. I was reading straight from something I typed up in notepad. Thank you for the criticism. I'll make another recording soon with that in mind.
  2. Zediious (Jack Daeuble) Actor Stats Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: White/Cacasian Last Updated: 7/18/2015 Active Member: Yes Playable Races: Nords, Imperials, Bretons, Orc (Possibly) Experience: Starting out. Never have acted for a mod, but my family and friends tell me my voice acting is great. Skills: Can produce sound in .wav format, and can use a wide range of pitches. About Me: I was told by some of my friends that my voice would do very well in this "industry", so I thought I would try it out. Voice Samples: https://soundcloud.com/jack-daeuble
  3. Whenever I look around, many objects in the game world get a very odd and annoying looking black border, smudge/blur next to it. It isn't visible while still, only when the camera is moving. I have this computer https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Zediious/saved/rbbG3C so It's definitely not related to inferior hardware. I have a couple of mods enabled, and In one of the example videos I made I have an ENB enabled, but It happens with or without ENB. The mods I have enabled don't affect the issue, as I have turned them off to no avail. Here are two videos showing the issue. One of them is still processing when I posted this and should be available soon. https://vimeo.com/123881762 - Once i turn the camera towards Sven's house, look at the right side of the rock next to the river. https://vimeo.com/123910602 - Look at the wooden supports for the bridge on the river. Thank you for any help in advance.
  4. I found the issue. It was an RS Children Overhaul - ETAC Complete patch... Thanks for the help!
  5. I'm having a major issue with Skyrim. I use Mod Organizer, and I've been playing with this load order for some time. But a couple days, ago, when i loaded up the game, the options at the main menu refuse to appear. New, Load, Credits, etc just don't show up. No music either. I've been unable to narrow down the mod that is causing issue but it does show up if i disable all my mods. I'll post my load order here so you can find any faults with it. I'll also post my system specs just in case that matters Motherboard: ASUSTeK G750JW CPU: Intel Core i7 4700HQ 2.40GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765m 2GB RAM: 8GB (Generic DDR3) http://pastebin.com/sNNNKshq
  6. So. I play skyrim using mod organizer. I'm pretty advanced and have been at modding a long time so I'm surprised I have to head to the forums. It doesn't matter weather I'm using a mod or not, running the game with SKSE results on the game going full screen then closing. Without SKSE, a windows error pops up telling my skyrim has stopped working. I am unable to launch skyrim no matter what I do. I have ENB installer and havnt tries removing it cause I don't see how that could be the issue. Any help would be appreciated. To be clear, I am sure I have no missing masters, so that is not the issue.
  7. I've encountered a bug where upon entering a small valley during the quest "Crush the White Legs". My screen fades black and I'm put in front of three white legs, one with a headress who is panicking. Joshua Graham is standing behind them pointing a pistol at the one far left. Here is a picture on what it gets stuck at. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121208011700/fallout/images/thumb/6/63/Crush_the_White_Legs.jpg/240px-Crush_the_White_Legs.jpg I was having issues taking a screenshot so this is from the wiki. It is the same except Joshua is pointing a gun at the far left person and they are all crouched down. but only Salt-On-Wound is cowering. Please help
  8. Thanks. The reason I havn't overclocked this GPU or CPU is because I wasn't sure these parts were meant for overclocking. How long have you had this computer? I have had several Asus G Series. I have been using the G750JW for about a year. I use it a lot for work as well, using 3D cad software and I perform stress analysis with it. This machine is a workhorse and has paid itself off over and over. I am looking to even get a newer one; I would lke to see the difference with a better GPU and a SSD. But, it is difficult to justify when I am not have any issues. May need to push that GPU a little harder. :devil: http://www.service.asus.com/#!downloads/c1wax I guess overclocking will increase the performance. I'm aware that overclocking can cause problems with parts and I'm not sure how many GHz I should clock it too. We both have the same machine, so can you tell me how you configured it?
  9. Thanks. The reason I havn't overclocked this GPU or CPU is because I wasn't sure these parts were meant for overclocking. How long have you had this computer?
  10. And about the new question you are posting, about what to change... I honestly wouldn't change anything in it... it's good enough on the way it is right now. He can't really change anything. It's a laptop not desktop. He would have to buy used gpu from a broken laptop and gamble on compatibility. Usually it's easier and cheaper to sell old one in order buy new model. "Usually it's easier and cheaper to sell old one in order buy new model." I definitely agree with you. I would just like to add, however, that even though I'm not a fan of laptops, the last one I bought (about 5 years ago or so) had a list of compatible GPU / CPU at the "support page"... and an open slot for a new HD . I'm almost sure that GPU/CPU list was more like a "Ok, you didn't buy the highest setting laptop possible, but you may want to upgrade it a little towards our top-tier model by purchasing the following hardware". So , in a way, I wouldn't be able to upgrade my "2009" laptop into a "2014 version"....but rather only from "2009 midtier" to "2009 toptier". So, even though there is a margin for upgrade, I agree with you that it's a lot more narrow and expensive when compared to desktops. It's never a problem with ssd, hdd or ram if there is a free slot (I have replaced those myself). The issue is with purchasing compatible gpu. It's not like you can go to nearby tech story, buy it and replace like with desktop. I got custom cpu in my laptop, but that's only because xoticpc has arrangements with manufacturers. Gpu's are always locked to the laptop model they sell. In case of upgrading parts you are responsible for shipping whole machine to their service yourself, including insurance and taxes. When replacing cpu you might end up buying new power brick. Total cost will most likely be not worth investing in used machine. You might not have considered it, but the most issues laptops have are with drivers and bios. If you don't have a set up that receives updates fairly often you will curse it each time you want to run new program/game/peripherals. I do update my GPU drivers immediately on their release using GeForce Experience. I don't ever get told by Windows or any other program that there is an update for something at all. Can someone point me towards a method of doings so rather than checking the current version of mine and the latest?
  11. And about the new question you are posting, about what to change... I honestly wouldn't change anything in it... it's good enough on the way it is right now. He can't really change anything. It's a laptop not desktop. He would have to buy used gpu from a broken laptop and gamble on compatibility. Usually it's easier and cheaper to sell old one in order buy new model. "Usually it's easier and cheaper to sell old one in order buy new model." I definitely agree with you. I would just like to add, however, that even though I'm not a fan of laptops, the last one I bought (about 5 years ago or so) had a list of compatible GPU / CPU at the "support page"... and an open slot for a new HD . I'm almost sure that GPU/CPU list was more like a "Ok, you didn't buy the highest setting laptop possible, but you may want to upgrade it a little towards our top-tier model by purchasing the following hardware". So , in a way, I wouldn't be able to upgrade my "2009" laptop into a "2014 version"....but rather only from "2009 midtier" to "2009 toptier". So, even though there is a margin for upgrade, I agree with you that it's a lot more narrow and expensive when compared to desktops. Yes. This laptop has replaceable parts. I already replaced the power supply and I know I can change the GPU and some other parts. It has a pretty big case as well.
  12. I know it is a good rig. I just want opinions on what could be changed, etc.
  13. I've been running this setup for about a year now, and I think it runs pretty well. I just want other peoples opinions on it. Here are the specs Motherboard: ASUSTeK G750JW CPU: Intel i7 4700HQ Quad-Core GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765m 2GB Memory: 8GB DDR3 This is not just for Skyrim, but any game, Is this a good rig overall?
  14. Hey. I've been playing Skyrim for a long time and I've never had this happen. I normally run vsync using ENB, but i decided to switch to my GPU's built in vsync. This caused the problem, but now if I switch back to ENB's vsync, I get the lag. If i remove ENB, I no longer get the lag. Keep in mind that I don't use ENB lighting, just ENBoost. Here are my computer specs. Motherboard: ASUSTek G750JW CPU: Intel Quad Core i7 4700HQ GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765m 2GB RAM: 8GB DDR3 HDD: 1TB HDD (Not aware of model. etc) If there are any important specs I forgot to mention, please ask.
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