Well, lately ive been experiencing glitches where my animation mods will just stop working and all animations will revert to vanilla, so i've decided to try the "cancer meds" of fixes and go delete the animations that are being replaced by the mods from the Skyrim - Animations.bsa so they have nothing to revert to and (hopefully) just stick. Ive experimented with just deleting the animation bsa completely and it works - until i try summoning something, look at any creatures (all are using vanilla anims), die, get knocked back or just generally do anything that requires a vanilla animation. Then its just T-pose everywhere, as should be expected when deleting that file. So, thread purpose is this: In doing this, is there a possibility that i will brick my game or more importantly my save? I expect theres a risk, so i backed everything up just in case, but i would like to know if the likelyhood of that happening is above or below 50%. Thanks for any pointers!