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About blackmagic12345

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    something like 650hrs of Fallout 4
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    Fallout 4

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  1. uhh dude... this IS the real deal. Not everyone gives a crap about murrrca politics, and i dont think that an AMA related to the Nexus sites is a good place to get political. Especially considering the way the people here tend to get very involved in anything gaming and/or modding related (see monetized mods.)
  2. i stopped reading when he said Independence Day was horrible. It was great. Screw you Dark0ne! :P
  3. bumping cuz 2 days of research + trying stuff yields nothing.
  4. So i started my game up about 2 days ago and pulled out my daggers... Turns out someone turned on Anime Mode and made my weapons the size of texas. Literally all my weapons grow around 1.5x-2x their regular size, but only when i draw them. Ive tried getting standalone NiOverride for Racemenu since some people seemed to be having a similar issue (sheathed weapons become huge) but it did nothing. I have also tried weapon scales in Racemenu, and that does absolutely nothing except what its supposed to. I also have no mods that mod weapons, although i did try Weaps of the 3rd Era and removed it once i realized that i cant have 2 katanas on my back without some serious work on my part (something im just not willing to do atm) So the options are as follows: either its a mod touching something that it really shouldnt be touching, or something screwed up in the vanilla game. Anywho, heres my modwatch if anyone is willing to give me a hand with this: modwat.ch/u/Blackmagic12345 EDIT -> forgot to mention it also affects bound weapons. EVERYTHING is huge...
  5. awesome *cracks knuckles* guess i know what im doing with my next hour lol thanks
  6. Well, lately ive been experiencing glitches where my animation mods will just stop working and all animations will revert to vanilla, so i've decided to try the "cancer meds" of fixes and go delete the animations that are being replaced by the mods from the Skyrim - Animations.bsa so they have nothing to revert to and (hopefully) just stick. Ive experimented with just deleting the animation bsa completely and it works - until i try summoning something, look at any creatures (all are using vanilla anims), die, get knocked back or just generally do anything that requires a vanilla animation. Then its just T-pose everywhere, as should be expected when deleting that file. So, thread purpose is this: In doing this, is there a possibility that i will brick my game or more importantly my save? I expect theres a risk, so i backed everything up just in case, but i would like to know if the likelyhood of that happening is above or below 50%. Thanks for any pointers!
  7. Hey guys, I am coming here with a question. I am following this guide to make an armor replacer for the Ancient Shrouded armor set. Problem is, i have no idea where the mesh that i need to set up to be replaced is. Ive looked under Meshes.bsa/armor/dbarmor, but they all kind of look the same and have no indication of which is which, other than beast helmets (tagged _arg and _kha). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also can provide screens of what im seeing, if needed
  8. OK. lets start with the basics, which company made your graphics card? nVidia or AMD?
  9. Yeah, so as the title says, Shadowmere is rideable, does everything a horse should do except stay in this plane of reality (as in he fades in and out from under me) Heres my modwatch, might be something in there. http://www.modwat.ch/u/Blackmagic12345 Files too big to upload screens, will provide upon request but steam browser isnt exactly the best.
  10. yeah i found the issue, it was AH1 piercings' patch that had a skeleton.nif in it. Had to install it before installing JoP.
  11. Hey, im wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a mod that contains a decent selection of emo haircuts for female characters that isnt ApachiiSkyHair, SG or KS-HDT... Ive been searching all day and all the mods that have previews have pretty much nothing that i like, and all the other ones no one took the time to upload a preview of the hairstyles. Any help or pointers are appreciated.
  12. Well, heres the deal: im running Joy of Perspective, and in first person view when i look down i can see through my body and when i crouch i just see my body with no head. Load order first: Install order (bottom to top, MOs idea not mine.) + means installed, - means uninstalled: Screenshots can be found here (no way i can make them ~75kb each.) http://imgur.com/a/6p9E5
  13. Hey guys, not sure where to put this so here i posted. So, i noticed that when i install some mods with NMM, they have a sort of "installer" that lets you select certain options for the mod. I am wondering if there is a way to reset them, and even better would be to reset them all at once. I just reinstalled skyrim to clean up the data directory (2 computers and god knows how many windows reinstalls later) because there were some mods in there that i didnt want anymore/were out of date/whatever. Now i cant get the mod installers to come up for the new install. I am using the same profile for both installs. Thanks for any help!
  14. So yeah, reloaded the soul cairn a bunch of times after finding the skull, but still no owner. Anywhere. Dont give me the crap that "Oh he spawns on the main road just look for him there" HE IS NOT THERE, NOR ANYWHERE IN THE SOUL CAIRN. again, the forum post magically fixes my issue.
  15. Well, im in Soul Cairn and have completed most of the quests there except for Arvak since it seems that the guy wont spawn even if i have the skull in my inventory. Now, when i go to exit Soul Cairn, the game randomly crashes as i pass the big wall going towards the portal to get back to Skyrim. I have tried reloading the area through going to the boneyard, but to no avail. Always crashes in the same spot about 50 feet after passing the wall. I have never had any crashes before save for once, and it was due to a 20+ hour gaming session. I have some mods, heres the boss log: now remember, the ONLY PLACE THE GAME CRASHES IS IN SOUL CAIRN. ill try to land a screenshot right before it goes to hell to show the general location. EDIT - Well, i guess i fixed it? Reloaded the last save i had for it and well guess what. After disabling the controller i was using (Logitech Dual Action running through x360ce) it !@#$%## works. WTF. Someone explain?
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