My humble suggestion: Duplicate the Donate! pop-up/widget to trigger when I hit Endorse. I read all six pages, and realize that the percentage of Endorsers is low, but right now the donate request just gets triggered and shows up at the wrong time. I just downloaded an armor (main file) and Bodyslide2 file (extra file). Nexus asked me to donate to a mod that I haven't even downloaded yet. After I download, unzip, install, play with and evaluate, make sure that it gets along well with other mods, and I like it, I may come back to endorse it. Then ask me for money. If it's a great mod, I much more likely to think "Hey, thanks for the great mod! Here, go buy yourself a pint or something." Also, NMM does a pretty good job of telling me if I have endorsed a mod. Could it be modified to show a $$ sign (or whatever currency you use) for mods I've both endorsed and donated to?