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  1. Although you got your answer fast, In the "Skyrim Mod Talk" forum is a pinned thread called "Skyrim - Mod Detectives". You might have luck there if you have further questions.
  2. I've had decent luck using the guides in STEP - Skyrim Total Enhancement Project.
  3. Perhaps "Easier to use bag of holding"? Hard to tell exactly, because author describes it as a backpack, but there are no pictures. If you just want the functions, try JustinOther's Bag of Holding (search "holding" in Skyrim Nexus, it'll probably be the first up.
  4. I have been following this thread with great interest. I also have a 2 gb VRAM and 16 gb RAM and can play on either WIN 10 or WIN 7. In my case, though, I'm nursing along a GTX 660 so just trying to use ENBoost. As illustrated both in this thread and the internet at large, different people have put a great deal of thought and testing into the question and have come up with greatly different answers. For example, using the tool linked above, I'm told 4032 for DX9 and 29056 for DX11. I thought Skyrim was a DX9 game, but the skyrim directory (before skyrim/data) includes a DX10 folder. Also watched dptheslothking's video here on Nexus, and got yet another number. As noted above, I have both WIN 7 and 10 on different hard drives. Using 7 so I can make a restore point a day. Skyim game freezes, no keys do anything, hard reboot. I used to say I spent more time playing out mods than playing Skyrim. Now I spend more time scanning big-ass hard drives than I do trying out mods.
  5. Try posting in the pinned Mod Detectives thread. Better chance of an answer.
  6. Try the "Mod Detectives" thread pinned near the top.
  7. The only way I know is to download the old 2.49b version of Blender and the nifscripts associated with 2.49b. You have to use the old version for importing because the nifscripts have not been updated. Next, download Bodyslide2 here on Nexus. Inside bodyslide, is a folder called NifCleaner. Drop your file onto NifCleaner.exe and it will adapt it for the old blender. Caliente's instructions are in the folder. Ther are several tutorials on to import into the ancient Blender as a Fallout 3 file. Once there, save to create a .blend file, and then you can use the latest Blender. When all done, load the .blend back into ancient Blender, export (back to the tutorial), back to NifCleaner, Clean! Or, wait a while until somebody who actually knows what they are doing comes along and corrects all my errors.
  8. You will get better luck posting in the Mod Detectives thread pinned at the top of this forum. Also, try searching on "cloaks" along with capes.
  9. The only one I know taht comes close is the Driinkiin race, mod 60888 (can't link from here). Adds antlers n stuff. As to the right place , might have better luck in the "Mod Detectives" forum pinned near the top.
  10. It appears Norton doesn't like this file: http://www.nexusmods.com/wastebin/QUARANTINED_893_176 Time to empty the waste bin?
  11. Too late? No. Take a look, for example, at nsk13's Daedric Reaper Armor mod. Downloaded over 26,000 times in six days. Note it has: Male armor, which is relatively rare. Female armor, with various degrees of skimpiness, which is always popular. A Bodyslide2 setup and links to a UUNP setup, which makes the female armor adaptable to many of the different female bodies out there. Visually appealing textures, and meshes nicely weighted to minimize/avoid clipping. At least one version that doesn't require any DLCs. And the esp seems to have been cleaned up, according to my TES5Edit. Appealed to a lot of different players. So I'm not surprised it also got lots of endorsements.
  12. My humble suggestion: Duplicate the Donate! pop-up/widget to trigger when I hit Endorse. I read all six pages, and realize that the percentage of Endorsers is low, but right now the donate request just gets triggered and shows up at the wrong time. I just downloaded an armor (main file) and Bodyslide2 file (extra file). Nexus asked me to donate to a mod that I haven't even downloaded yet. After I download, unzip, install, play with and evaluate, make sure that it gets along well with other mods, and I like it, I may come back to endorse it. Then ask me for money. If it's a great mod, I much more likely to think "Hey, thanks for the great mod! Here, go buy yourself a pint or something." Also, NMM does a pretty good job of telling me if I have endorsed a mod. Could it be modified to show a $$ sign (or whatever currency you use) for mods I've both endorsed and donated to?
  13. Check the nsfw and nudity tags, too. The old, buggy mod Animated Prostitution is still here (50K plus endorsements) and the troll comments are still coming in, so be prepared to deal with that.
  14. Here in the U.S., Warner Music Group earns over $2 million a year on one song. "Happy Birthday to You"
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