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  1. This might not be a popular idea, but I think those of us that have been around the nexus for years can understand why I say what I'm about to say. I was once a new member, but I would willingly been put on a tight leash until I proved an actual member. A tight leash would look something like this: new members had to have a minimal number of endorsements (let's say, five for the sake of argument), or un-banned images (three maybe would be a good number), or combo of the two before t...
    1. Spaceritual


      I think Dark0ne suggested in one of his recent posts that he was thinking of changing the moderators role a little in relation to warning and such... can not remember which article he wrote about it in though..
    2. Ithildin


      AsaRuth: Sounds like a good idea (the tight leash) to me. I'm not sure how you would've ended your thought process, since Nexus has a habit of cutting people short, but I'm interested in reading the rest. :)
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