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  1. So, I keep meaning to play dawnguard...but I can't seem to stop tweaking things long enough to actually play....modding may be a problem!
    1. Ithildin


      That's exactly what happens to me once I start installing mods; first Oblivion, then Skyrim. At some point, Fallout 3 will join those ... I'm taking friends' advice and playing FO3 vanilla first. :)
    2. AsaRuth


      Well done! I did a vanilla play through first and LOVED the game! Hope you enjoy it!


      Side note-I made 7 (I think?) custom skins yesterday-and never got around to playing the game beyond testing them out! Ack!

    3. etayorius


      You welcome, hehe i didnt noticed i had a bunch of friend requests untill i checked my nexus profile.
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