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Everything posted by AsaRuth

  1. *peeks in* Hello SlayerClaus!
  2. My notifications stopped with the new system :(
  3. Hello nivea, thank you for adding me<3
  4. Happy thanksgiving Spaceritual, we miss you!
  5. Hello, and thanks for directing us to Black mesa, it looks good!
  6. As I do, every so often, a new round of kudos went out this week. If you know of anyone I missed, please let me know, so much amazing talent is difficult to keep up with, and that is a great problem to have.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Risibisi


      Comes back.. of course I was just kidding!!!
    3. MasterAub


      I saw you added me as your friend...what can I say beside THANK YOU...
    4. AsaRuth


      Risibisi-You are doing better than I!
  7. Thanks for the add!
  8. Hey all, wanted to say I'm well and dry, hope everyone and there loved ones are safe as well
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Oh, Happy to hear! =)
    2. Ithildin


      Me too. That's good news. :)
  9. Sandy! Why!?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      I've been watching videos of news all about it since this morning. I do not think saying take care yourselves would be meaningful at this time but I hope you all guys are okay there!
    2. Naktis


      Stay safe out there.
  10. thanks for adding me!
  11. hello, and Thank You!
  12. Hello and thank you for the add
  13. Hello and thanks for the add. :D
  14. Hello and thanks for the add!
  15. Glad to hear and understood, I'm swamped with studies as well.
  16. Oh, nice, it looks really good!
  17. Hi, I'm great, how are you?
  18. Reimar-Thank you for all the giggles, your efforts are very appreciated. Kudos!
  19. Bravo-I know you may not be familiar with me, but I know your work, and when I log in and see that you posted a new piece, my day brightens. Please know, some of us love your work, enjoy your input, and would miss the absence.
  20. Your screenies are fantastic! 5 stars!
  21. Hello! Hope all is well :D
  22. Hello! Thanks for the add!
  23. Hi Kittyeh-hope all is well!
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