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About hikitsuri

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  1. This. You find plenty of great bows while going through the ruins quests, and so many ancient arrows that there is no point NOT to lob a few down range. Also, I have death-from-aboved a few while in sneak mode and gotten a few 1-hit-kills; they are just begging for it at most of the dragon-icon locations, just perched on their arches with their backs to the high ground... :D On Topic; I would like for there to be a good mix of them, not just a replacement mod. Smaller ones jumping out at you while larger ones circle overhead... "Run for your lives! They are getting smarter!"
  2. +1 I especially like the recognition idea. I have been wearing forsworn armor walking through forsworn-paranoid Markarth while investigating why people are being attacked by forsworn... its a bit of a giggle to me, but it could use a touch of "hey... isn't he wearing forsworn armor? guards, get 'im!" or perhaps being able to use it as a disguise... walking around a forsworn camp while wearing forsworn etc etc...
  3. +1. Though, i will be a bit more specific; Adding this room to Proudspire Manor would be supreme, since it comes with enchanter and alchemy tables, and already has a great mod for adding smithy services into the extra bedroom on the 1st floor, so this tends to be the house that I (and many others) use most...
  4. +1. Been waiting for this one myself... A room of displayed armors, like a trophy room, will be excellent. Especially with a line of weapon racks to accompany them... However, at the moment, attempts to spawn Mannequins create a mobile npc that wanders around your house, and you have to manually add items through console. I know that there are a few modders currently working on this, though, so we should see it soon :>
  5. +1 This would be very handy. I know there is a mod out that attempts this, but it is not working yet (CK may be needed)
  6. My desire was something along these lines, but more towards being able to re-enchant or add enchantments to already enchanted items. Also, in the same frame of ideas, I would like a mod that allows you to Rename any item as well, even if you can't add enchantments to it... I get the feeling that these will have to wait until the CK comes out next year though.
  7. I find myself having the same issue. Anything that requires activation in the NMM involving plugins unchecks itself after starting skyrim. (Windows Vista SP2 with UAC disabled)
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