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Posts posted by twhelan

  1. In response to post #24718124. #24721434, #24722004 are all replies on the same post.

    sunshinenbrick wrote:
    twhelan wrote: Haven't been over at Steam for quite some time now, and I won't even follow any links I come across. The first thing I do when booting up is go in offline mode. As far as I'm concerned, the s***storm (as you so eloquently put it, hehe) has merely evolved into a s*** hurricane.
    ScrollTron1c wrote: Not sure what you mean with (Steam) moderator aggression, i have voiced my opinion there several times in an entirely civilized manner and even substantially critized their products and business practices. No ban for me.

    All the people I've seen banned pretty much deserved it due to death threats, obscenities, personal harassment and all that.

    Of course it doesn't change that this whole thing is a huge desaster for everyone, except for the few people who'll get seriously rich by earning solid money from every transaction (without lifting a finger for it).

    And it shows how stupid we all were to allow Steam becoming such a huge "monopolistic monoculture". People with dozens or hundreds of games registered on Steam can lose everything over one unthoughtful posting. And that is even legal.


    You put up a really good argument for thinking.
  2. In response to post #24717714. #24718959, #24719964 are all replies on the same post.

    KaiserDeathIV wrote:
    UberSmaug wrote: Lots of people get paid for hobbies. Ever been to a craft fair. Isn't the dream for anybody to make a living doing something they love.
    printerkop wrote: don't deserve it a bit harsh, but you might advice them to earn money through one of the gameengine sites nowadays like the Unreal store or Unity store, and mod in their free time.

    Every single hobby in history has become a job for some. All it takes is the structure with which to make a living from doing so. I dare anyone to to name a "hobby" which had the potential to generate revenue, that has not suffered this fate for some.
  3. I was just perusing the latest uploads and ended up DL'ing. endorsing and giving kudos to one of them, even though I don't have the skill to actually utilize it's content. I did this merely to support the message conveyed by the author and many, many members of this community.




    I then realized that I had, on numerous opportune occasions, shamefully neglected to extend a simple little thing like a kudos to someone who deserves much, much more. That said, I can't help but feel glad that I have neglected to do so until now.


    If ever there were a message deserving of our kudos, this is it! Thank you Dark0ne!

  4. @TrevorTheElder


    I must disagree with your first statement. Dark0ne is probably the least played of all.

    He is obviously well informed of the circumstances of late, as his post is the most well-written and thought-out I have read. Give him the credit he is due.


    I have to agree somewhat with your second statement. It saddens me to say that some well-known, brilliant, and up until a couple days ago, much loved mod-makers within this community appear to have been dupped into something entirely untoward by the inevitable and unscrupulous evolution of "business". I empathize with them greatly.


    Unfortunately however, this is but a fraction of the tragedy these few have experienced due to these events. The real tragedy is the the portion of the community who have, in their small-minded knee-jerk reaction sort of way, not only abandoned, but condemned and vilified them. Then due to an off-hand remark from one such brilliant mod-maker, this segment feels justified in re-directed their vitriolic torrent of verbal diarhea toward the people who have provided them the forum for their community. I am personally disgusted and beside myself with rage at this portion of the community. Shame on all of you!


    Bethesda and Valve are profitable businesses. That is really all that need be said, so I find myself in no position but to concur with the remainder of your post. DO NOT BUY THEIR PRODUCTS! It is simply the ONLY way ANYONE can wield their influence.

  5. I have been following this thread now for a few hours and before i leave, I'd like to express my opinion, if I may. I can't help but think that perhaps Valve has done the modding community a favour The Nexus community in particular.

    It is becoming increasingly evident that the community is having a rough time sticking together and apparently there seems to be a very clear line of division between the members who truly support the contributions of the modders as well as the people who make it possible for the modders to share... and the spoiled ingrates who are revealing themselves over the issue. I am inclined to suggest that perhaps sticking together may not be ideal for the latter. Perhaps it would be best if those who object to the modders, or the administrators of the site's choices in the matter, simply leave. Nobody is going to try to force them to stay, and to them, I have only this to say. Good riddance!

  6. In response to post #24650744. #24651589 is also a reply to the same post.

    MCato wrote:
    hellosanta wrote: At first, maybe.
    Have you ever heard of overjustification effect? If you haven't, I suggest you look it up as well as psychology studies that are done on the topic. Of course there are exceptions (as always, to any other psychological phenomena), but I have experienced it personally. I loved drawing and it was really good hobby of mine for so long. But once i started commission thinking that I could make some pocket money while doing something I loved, I lost interest in drawing soon after. It was stressful to deal with all requests and complaints because as they are now paying customers, they have every rights to do so. And then I started think if I was paid enough for the time and effort I put in each commission. In short, something that I've done for the love of doing it, turned out to be a tedious and stressful job when monetary incentive was involved.
    When mod becomes a fan-made DLC that requires payment up-front, people will complain and complain because now they are entitled to the quality of mods and constant supports. If you think you can deal with them, go ahead.

    I personally would not be able to tolerate the crap you guys and gals have to deal with from the entitled, whilst offering your work for free... let alone trying to please them if they were actually a customer.
  7. In response to post #24646984. #24647104, #24647439, #24647524, #24647569, #24647954, #24648029, #24648264, #24648309 are all replies on the same post.

    Psijonica wrote:
    SchwererGustav wrote: This post wwll be deleted in...3...2...1...

    You will see ;)
    bigdeano89 wrote: Way to sound like an entitled 12 year old man. Dark0ne has been honest from the start. Good luck trying to find another site btw, all the others are either gone or ALSO took the service provider option. That includes AFKmods etc.

    Dark0ne is not the only site to do that, so stop making them out to be the bad guys. Nexus has been around for years giving mod authors FREE space for mods big and small.
    Dark0ne wrote:
    As you paint yourself as the saviour of the free modding community

    This post wwll be deleted in...3...2...1...

    Why would I delete it? It's a perfect example of the people who don't actually read what I write and, in the process, make themselves look stupid.
    SchwererGustav wrote: Because 2 of my comments got delleted befor...

    The 1st was a bit aggressive the 2nd not at all.

    rotwhip wrote: ooooh someone is angry.
    Psijonica wrote: I read what you wrote and I can only giggle that you have lowered yourself to calling me "stupid" LoL

    You can fool all the kids here but anyone with real business and life experience sees right through you.

    If I am stupid because I don't take your words at face value then so be it... I am a stupid person who drives a Super Snake and I am laughing at how stupid you may think I am.

    Basically you are still supporting Pay-for-Mods just that you are calling it by a different name. Many modders like Emma (I guess you think she is stup[id too now eh? Remember her, yoiur old friend who helped you with your uploaded system all thiose years ago?) also believe that this is wrong in every aspect... but I guess we are just stupid.

    I can't really tell youwhat I think of you because hey, I'm in an unfair possition where you are able to swing insults but I can't.

    Congratulations! *Applause*
    benissugger wrote: he said you "make yourself[es] look stupid", not "you are stupid".
    JoeyLock wrote: So basically Psijonica, you're saying "Stop asking me for money! Dark0ne just pay the $500,000 to run this community per year and deal with it!" yes? Think about that statement, Endorsements, Permissions and Donations are the very things that keep this community and these mods afloat, if you want 100% free mods, make them all yourself and pay for the site to upload them on.

    We must excuse those who cannot understand the context of a single sentence.
  8. In response to post #24641674. #24642234 is also a reply to the same post.

    jbvertexx wrote:
    gastovski wrote: Everything you said is completely unnecessary. This thing shouldn't even exist at the first place.

    A truer statement as your second to last sentence could not be written, and with the hope of myself and most within this community they will condemn themselves to banishment eventually, if not already.
  9. There are tons of texture packs on the Nexus. For landscape and architecture I use elements from Tamriel Reloaded, the Vivid series of mods, Immersive Roads, and of course ALL aMidianBorn mods are amazing (Book of Silence (armour) is an essential mod for most people). I would start with checking those out, of course it's all about personal preference. Simply type key words into the search box, and when you find something you like start searching the author's name's to find more of their work. If you type in "landscape" you will have alot to choose from. It is generally safe to swap textures and not ruin your save, so experiment with it until you find what you like. This is the greatest thing about this community - diversity! Have fun making your Skyrim beautiful.

  10. The Ebony Warrior is most definitely the toughest adversary in the vanilla game. He's super fast and agile, hits super hard, takes a pounding (more health than any other, I think) and on top of all that he has a very powerful "Fus", he shoots paralysing arrows, he heals himself and is generally the badass since you have to be level 80 just to meet him. I wouldn't say he's a villain though, he's just looking for a worthy combatant to send him to Sovngard.


    He knocked me around for a half hour before I got him down to about half his health and Fus'ed him straight off the mountain. I ran down expecting to see him dead down there and as I was descending I saw him getting back up! So I decided to leap the last few feet at him and he shot me with a paralysing arrow (funniest cut scene I've ever seen in this game). When I got up to engage him again he had healed himself completely.


    The most fun in the entire game imo!

  11. Thank you very much Georgiegril,


    Your first sentence answered my question and solved the problem. I reactivated the first of the 2 mods and put it ahead of my water mod in the load order and voila, perfect water front. I guess this was what Gopher was talking about when he warned that BOSS doesn't always recognize mods and their proper order.


    I read all of what you wrote here though (I tend to do that with things I don't know much about), and I'm glad I did. I will keep all of this information in mind as I continue to enjoy modding.

  12. Hi Everybody,


    As my topic title suggests I am very new to the modding community. In fact, I'm new to the gaming community in general, so I do not know much about modding and I have a general inquiry about what I assume is happening when I download water front player homes.


    Let me explain what I have discovered. I recently downloaded a waterfront player home (beautiful btw) and I noticed the a section of the water around the home was different than the rest of the lake. I recognized this section of water as a mod I very recently replaced with another which I prefer (both excellent mods btw). I removed the home and downloaded another one by a different author which ironically happened to be in the exact location and again a section of the water was different (I believe perhaps vanilla). I have no issues, or conflicts. I uninstalled all correctly, I'm just curious about what I am observing.


    So my question is, will the water mod that the mod author of the home uses, be downloaded and present within the downloader's game unless a compatibility patch for the particular water mod the downloader is using is available?


    I apologize if this a stupid question, but this assumption seems reasonable to me.

  13. I have to wonder how the Jarl's equip and compensate all these damned guards! Skyrim is overflowing with the other one of life's certainties!


    OK, I'm a masochist you say? Bare with me. Skyrim gives us the opportunity to kill the collector - if you can get away with it!


    Orrrr... for the opposing view point - become the collector and go after Nazeem or Erikur (did I spell those correctly?) for evasion activities... hehehe...

  14. I am also completely new to, not only modding games, but first person gaming itself.

    i used to have a life before my brother bought me a copy of Skyrim. I've completed the main game and all of it's quests as well as all of the DLC's, never using a follower since they just got in my way. Then I started browsing the workshop! I was very reluctant to download anything really because I am not the most computer savvy person, to say the least! But then I found Inigo! I was totally floored! I thought - if this is any indication of what you guys and gals (modders) can do to improve an already incredible gaming experience - I'm in!

    To conclude, with the help of Gopher, (you rock dude) I currently have 63 mods running in my game with zero issues and it is absolutely beautiful! Thanks to all of you modding genius's I now have no life once again. I now spend more time modding than I do playing, and I've still only played Skyrim!


    Seriously though, my very humblest thanks to all of you. If you're not already making a living doing this, you should be!

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