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Nexus Mods Profile

About GenericGeorge

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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim LE
  • Favourite Game
    Horizon Zero Dawn
  1. I'm trying to create a simple mod that uses console commands, but I can't seem to change globals myself. I used the ShowGlobalVars command to test changing settings, and found that it listed some and the rest went to a log file somewhere (No idea where) but of the few it did fit in the console I tried to edit a few of them I'm using SetGS then I tried GetGlobalValue but both of them state "gamesetting not found" or "item not found for global variable" Is there a difference between globals and game settings, if so how do I change globals and how do I list all available game settings to find the ones I want to change. Sorry, I was being so dumb, globals and game settings are completely different brainfart. For anyone else, my solution was to download the experimental starfield xedit from their discord and browse the starfield esm for game settings.
  2. Starfield in my opinion should have included a favourites menu for power bar distribution. I'm too slow during fights to distribute reactor power from system to system. I think a mod that stores a few favourite presets that can be hotkeyed to the numbers like the weapons can on ground fights. For example I'm using a preset which has my engines at full power in exchange for my shield being powered and an enemy ship approaches. I can press 2 to switch to another preset where the shield is fully powered and distributed across weapon systems.
  3. I had this wonderful idea for a mod but due to my own lack of modding skills (mainly the modelling) I am unable to create it. The mod is lore friendly and immersive, adding something unique to your playthrough. Here's my dossier I wrote down when I was planning the mod, I ran into some bumps as I'm not so good at 3d modelling I hope this dossier helps anyone that wants to jump onto making this mod a reality.
  4. I had this wonderful idea for a mod but due to my own lack of modding skills (mainly the modelling) I am unable to create it. The mod is lore friendly and immersive, adding something unique to your playthrough. Here's my dossier I wrote down when I was planning the mod, I ran into some bumps as I'm not so good at 3d modelling I hope this dossier helps anyone that wants to jump onto making this mod a reality.
  5. Hello, I have a some what weird question where it may seem obvious. But it's confusing me, I'm making a mod which adds custom items to multiple NPCs in the game. But I don't know the best way to be adding them to give it the most support with other mods that may edit the same NPC. Do I inject the item into the actors inventory with a script, if so how would I go about doing this? Or am I free to just add it by editing the actors inventory screen. Thank you for your help, in advance.
  6. How do I bring these items back? Would loading the fallout4.esm blankly then copying all of the objects I deleted, loading my mod.esm and pasting work to ensure it wouldn't collide with other mods. Creating mod conflicts is the last thing I want for my users. Can't release it until I fix this. Edit: I ran the plugin through the auto cleaner and it undeleted and disabled the dummyobjectsnoedit things and a couple of others. This has fixed the compatibility issue?
  7. Whilst editing a place, I came across a few translucent objects some looked like guns and had a warning for each different DummyNoEdit. This is one of the snippets of the warnings file. I had the filter set to the <current> option which I am sure is only warnings from my mod. CELLS: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639D) Dummy object ref does not have a leveled list. This ref will never be visible in game. MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639D) Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference: Do these warnings effect anything, such as performance? Or is it another set of warnings I can ignore. This is the whole warning screen that just popped up after loading the cell I'm working on. MASTERFILE: DFOB 'WorkshopForceNewList_DO' (0024A043) Could not find valid form (0024A042) in init for default object 'WorkshopForceNewList_DO' (0024A043) MASTERFILE: DFOB 'MapMarkerPotentialVassal_DO' (00249FDB) Could not find valid form (00249FD9) in init for default object 'MapMarkerPotentialVassal_DO' (00249FDB) CELLS: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639E) Dummy object ref does not have a leveled list. This ref will never be visible in game. MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639E) Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference: Base: 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (000928D5) Ref: '' (001E639E) Cell: 'Wilderness' (0000E48D) (-9, -4) in world 'Commonwealth' (0000003C) See Warnings file for more information. CELLS: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639D) Dummy object ref does not have a leveled list. This ref will never be visible in game. MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639D) Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference: Base: 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (000928D5) Ref: '' (001E639D) Cell: 'Wilderness' (0000E48D) (-9, -4) in world 'Commonwealth' (0000003C) See Warnings file for more information. CELLS: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639C) Dummy object ref does not have a leveled list. This ref will never be visible in game. MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639C) Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference: Base: 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (000928D5) Ref: '' (001E639C) Cell: 'Wilderness' (0000E48D) (-9, -4) in world 'Commonwealth' (0000003C) See Warnings file for more information. CELLS: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639B) Dummy object ref does not have a leveled list. This ref will never be visible in game. MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639B) Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference: Base: 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (000928D5) Ref: '' (001E639B) Cell: 'Wilderness' (0000E48D) (-9, -4) in world 'Commonwealth' (0000003C) See Warnings file for more information. CELLS: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639A) Dummy object ref does not have a leveled list. This ref will never be visible in game. MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E639A) Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference: Base: 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (000928D5) Ref: '' (001E639A) Cell: 'Wilderness' (0000E48D) (-9, -4) in world 'Commonwealth' (0000003C) See Warnings file for more information. CELLS: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E6399) Dummy object ref does not have a leveled list. This ref will never be visible in game. MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (001E6399) Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference: Base: 'DummyNoEdit_Drink_NukaCola' (000928D5) Ref: '' (001E6399) Cell: 'Wilderness' (0000E48D) (-9, -4) in world 'Commonwealth' (0000003C) See Warnings file for more information. CELLS: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_PipeBoltAction_Rifle' (002473D9) Dummy object ref does not have a leveled list. This ref will never be visible in game. MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> REFR 'DummyNoEdit_PipeBoltAction_Rifle' (002473D9) Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference: Base: 'DummyNoEdit_PipeBoltAction_Rifle' (001990CF) Ref: '' (002473D9) Cell: 'Wilderness' (0000E48D) (-9, -4) in world 'Commonwealth' (0000003C) See Warnings file for more information. LOOTJOY: REFR 'WorkshopTurretLaser' (00064DCA) Unable to find default template item for Bound Object 'WorkshopTurretLaser' (0019a7f2). First Object Template Item used. LOOTJOY: REFR 'WorkshopTurretLaser' (00064DC9) Unable to find default template item for Bound Object 'WorkshopTurretLaser' (0019a7f2). First Object Template Item used. LOOTJOY: REFR 'WorkshopTurretLaser' (00064DC7) Unable to find default template item for Bound Object 'WorkshopTurretLaser' (0019a7f2). First Object Template Item used. LOOTJOY: REFR 'MQ302InstituteBoss01' (00063C68) Unable to find default template item for Bound Object 'MQ302InstituteBoss01' (001cfb17). First Object Template Item used. LOOTJOY: REFR 'DN136_BossMissileREF' (001E1D8B) Unable to find default template item for Bound Object 'MQ302InstituteBoss03' (001cfb19). First Object Template Item used. LOOTJOY: REFR 'DN136_BossFlamerREF' (001E1D8A) Unable to find default template item for Bound Object 'MQ302InstituteBoss02' (001cfb18). First Object Template Item used. Thanks for all the help lately :smile:
  8. Hi there, any help on this subject would be appreciated as the wikis are pretty scarce with the details I need help with. Currently making new aid items, but when setting the number of health to give, it shows up completely different in game. For instance, I set this number for the health to add in the creation kit, <Effect, Magnitude, Area, Duration> This is the result in game I'm just wondering how the top number turns into the one shown in game, so I can accurately set an amount of health to give. Thanks in advance.
  9. The collisions are the same as each items vanilla collisions. Not captured in the photo above is another nif object Psycho. I copied the branch whole over into the nuka cherry nif positioned it and saved. I tried starting fresh, this time not positioning it as that took a long time and I wanted to test if the same thing happened. Same result. Is there some sort of special way to bind two consumable nifs?
  10. Hi having a frustrating time here, I recently merged two models together in NifSkope to create one, then adding custom textures. The item I created was a drink item. But when I added it to my inventory then tried dropping it to see how it looked on the floor. The model started floating and I could walk through it. (I'm not holding the item up, it's physically uninteractable) any help is very much appreciated.
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