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Status Updates posted by BunnySnatcher

  1. Doing better than I was. I never thought life would take up soo much time... Anyway, how have you been doing?
  2. Howdy, I haven't been on in a while, so I'm stopping by to say, happy new years!
  3. Happy "Late" new year. ^^
  4. Actually yes, I've been working on a fairly big modding project... It's going pretty good so far!
  5. Hey man! It's been a while, how's stuff going?
  6. Hi! I see you've made new friends. ;)
  7. Hello Josh, sorry I missed the B-day... Any cake left? :D
  8. Yea... Now stuff should be getting better, :)
  9. Nope. He got laid off by HIS evil boss. :D
  10. Still talkative I see, how's it going?
  11. HELL-o, Dezi! I'd suggest you stay indoors today... >:3
  12. Seems I'm a little late here... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  13. P.S. Happy new year!
  14. Yeah, I'm fine... I've just been working alot, my boss is practically Mr. Scrooge...
  15. Merry Christmas to you too! ^_^
  17. Stub muffin?

    Were did you get that from?!


  18. Are you Cloud yet? ^_^
  19. Eh the only FF game I've played was FF7, and I watched the movie.
  20. Oh yeah, that's it...
  21. your name seems strangely familiar... Yet I can't put my finger on it.
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