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The CROSS Jet Pack is excellent for combat mobility, but I'm looking for something to supplant fast travel in survival mode, and for that something to be as rad as possible (In this context, rad could mean extremely awesome OR highly radioactive. Either works!)
I love the power armor jet pack, but what I'd really love is to cover some ground with it. Fast travel is for ◻'s. I propose a toggle key, like the sprint key, that when hit while the jet pack is running switches between two different flight modes. The first mode (Height Mode), is the vanilla mode, emphasizing vertical movement. Great for scaling buildings and leaping chasms. The second mode (Flight Mode), thrusts you forward in the direction the camera is facing for horizontal movement. Great for covering some distance. There's already a number of mods adjusting AP and Fusion Core consumption, so I don't think that's a necessary addition to the mod. Users can download whichever drain rate they find best (I prefer 10% of vanilla drain myself.)
Are those the only mods you have installed? Have you uninstalled any mods, like Enhanced Lighting and FX or something? I ask because I had a very similar lagging problem that was situational only in select ruins, and found that there was one texture Enhanced Lights and FX added, and simply renaming it fixed the issue for me.
Hey folks, During dialogue with NPC's, you're normally allowed to pan the camera around by dragging the cursor to the edge of the screen, a functionality I find myself using habitually. In windowed mode, and the fake fullscreen windowed mode (Which I recently find myself using now), this functionality is disabled. Is there a hotfix or something to enable this function again? Thanks guys!
Hi folks, I'm creating a relatively simple hygiene mod for Fallout: 3. Nothing very fancy, just some new consumables that add charismatic bonuses. I have a question about setting the duration for associated effects. When establishing the duration of an effect, is the time measured in in-game time, or real time? If I set the duration of an effect for say, four minutes (240 seconds), It seems intuitive that this means four real minutes. How do I set a duration for, say, eight in-game hours, which is the duration I want some of these items to have? And is this duration affected by time passed due to waiting or sleeping? Thank you for any clarification. The wiki was a bit sparse on this subject.
Do you CTD before you get to the main menu, or upon trying to load a savegame? If the former, you may have a load order conflict. Have you run BOSS?
I had this problem too a while ago. While I can't remember the specific reason, I do remember it had something to do with a hair conflict or something with Apachii SkyHair. Using this mod fixed it for me: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/? It changes the race menu to give more options for editing, but also facilitates character creation mods like hair and eyes and makes them easier to load. Might be worth a try.
Hi folks, I want to do some personal tweaking to Skyrim Redone by T3nd0. Nothing major, but I can't seem to get this to work. I want to rename Yaris to Lances, Shortspears to Spears, and remove the 'reduce damage to armored enemies' effect. I believed I knew how to do it, I went into the creation kit, bypassed the crashing common when loading dawnguard.esm in the CK, loaded SkyRe_Main.esp (and all associated add-ons), navigated to the appropriate weapons and renamed them. I removed the description, then went to the passive yari and shortspear magic effect and tweaked the effect to my liking (I gave them an ignore armor effect by changing the armor modifier already present). For good measure, I also renamed the associated perks with Yaris to call them Lances. However, when all is said and done, none of these changes appear in my game except the changes I made to the perks' wording. Does anyone know how to do what I want to do? Thanks!
Some weapons have inherent traits that show up in the item's description, such as the enhanced dwarven crossbow, or some modded items, like Skyrim Redone's Yari, etc. As you might know, these aren't enchantments, so you can enchant these weapons normally, but the enchantment you place on them will not show up in the description, and you can't see what your enchantment's potency is while enchanting. Does anyone think they can create a mod that offers some sort of workaround to this problem? I'm not specific as to the how, I just want to be able to see what it is I'm enchanting. Thanks!
In a previous game, I used the now unsupported (and unfindable) Armor Tweak mod, What You See is What You Get, that adjusted the AR formula so that what was displayed in your AR was your actual damage reduction percent. In my current playthrough, I'm using the T3nd0s Skyrim Redone mod, and I'm unsure which is the problem, but armor became functionally useless. There was no difference between an AR of 80 and 0, and at level 30, small time bandits could still kill me in a single hit. Uninstalling the Armor Tweak mod fixed this issue, but now I'm stuck looking at a large number that I need to do a relatively simple calculation to figure out how much damage I'm negating, but it's still a pain to work it out in my head when comparing armors, or judging how much damage I'm negating on a whole. So my idea was this: Instead of messing around with the armor rating formula (Though I don't like that you can hit the 80% cap so easily so early), why not create a mod that simple adds a % next to the AR display, that simply makes the calculation for you and displays that? I have no modding experience, but I don't think it could be that difficult judging by the scope of mod projects on the nexus, and I'm sure it would be popular. So I'm looking for a mod that simply adds a % next to your Armor Rating so that two numbers display, the second tells you plainly what your damage reduction % is, but doesn't affect the formula, so that if you're using a mod like SkyRe, or something that alters AR so that the cap is more difficult to reach, you can still use that and see what your real damage reduction is with that mod.
There's a vanilla bug that doesn't seem to be fixed by the unofficial Fallout patch, and I can't find a fix for it on the Nexus. The interior market doors in rivet city remained locked during the daytime. Presumably, these should lock from 8:00pm - 8:00am like the door from the bridge to the D.C. area to Rivet City, but they just remain locked. I can't imagine this is too difficult a fix, but I'm not experienced enough in the GECK to do it. I could probably figure it out, but it would take me a few days. Anyone experienced enough to help fix this problem?
I realized recently that I had installed an old version of SkyUI, before I had installed the Nexus Mod Manager, and apparantly, before the Mod Configuration Menu was integrated. I downloaded the latest version of SkyUI, and after trying to install it, I got two error messages. One, that I had a previous version of SkyUI installed, and my SKSE was out of date. I remedied those problems, deleted the SkyUI files in my skyrim/data/interface directors, and got the newest SKSE. Everything went smoothly, until I started up my game. SkyUI works just fine, the MCM is there, and I got a message that Player Headtracking, one of my mods, had been enabled. But that seems useless now that I have no head. http://imageshack.us/a/img823/3823/screenshot570x.png Uploaded with ImageShack.us What did I do wrong? (Also, when unequipping my armor, my arms are somewhat mishapen.
It is a pretty intense jump in power. The difference between having an unenchanted basic set of light or heavy armor, compared to legendary upgraded gear is a pretty serious markup in your defensive capability. But keep in mind, at 100 smithing, you're supposedly the greatest smith in all of Skyrim, no smith can teach you anything you don't already know. Plus, you're using materials harvested from dragons. Your armor is the the most legendary make of the era. And regardless of how strong your armor is, giants and mammoths are nothing compared to a leveled spellcaster. You'd still need to be careful around them. If worse comes to worse, you can amp up the difficulty.
I think the battle gets buggy if you deal too much damage to Miraak. He's scripted in that battle, you're only supposed to take off something like 80% of his health after he heals himself at least twice. I think reloading an earlier save will fix the problem. Edit: Also, this is sort of a spoiler.
It's not one of your mods, it's like that with mine too. I would think that all the volcanic ash would make the southern half of Solstheim dark too, but hey, maybe all the ash is scattering light, making it seem brighter. Not how physics works, but hey, it's a world where I doubt gravity would work if one of the gods took a day off.