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Posts posted by nmjkhygfr

  1. It could be some sort of confliction in the mods, maybe some of them change the same file. Some mods will only work if installed in a certain order together. But due to how many mods you have, IF what I said is the problem I have no clue how you could figure out which order they need to be in.

  2. Alright so I have recently downloaded the Zombie Apocalypse mod. I know for a fact that I have installed it correctly, I followed every instruction to the dot. But when I open up the launcher and check the data file, the game crashes as soon as I start it up. I am using a couple mods, but only ones that were specifically listed as recommended and compatible. I even tried removing the other mods and running it separately and it still just crashes. I am using nvse and I've tried running it through there like I normally would with large mods like this, and running as the game is supposed to without nvse. But still,....it crashes :dry: I have even made sure that I have the proper version and latest updated version for it, unless by some odd means a new update came out minutes after downloading. (EXTREMELY unlikely however) Does anyone know what the heck is going on here??

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