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About loudexample123

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  1. Hey, you can get CBBE in Fo76. What you need: Nifskope/BakaFiletool/CBBE/Bodyslide Easy to do!: Install CBBE to your Fo76 folder. Make your bodyslide, save the nif to the normal location, just like Fo4 Now, Open Baka, and "Create archive" Go to documents -> my games -> Fallout 76 -> Create this txt file -> Fallout76Custom.ini Add this to the string -> BakaFile - Main.ba2 and BakaFile - Textures.ba2 Thats it! However, you will need to get a special texture file. the Specular maps are diff in fo76
  2. Hey guys! Soo.. I ported a couple outfits from Fo4's CBBE Skimpy Armor replacers I'm gonna reach out the main author to see if they're okay with me doing an upload! Let me know if you'd be interested. I also got a better nude body replacer as well that works with bodyslide. Has detailed vagina :D
  3. Hey guys! I'm trying to port over CBBE Skimpy armors... to no avail Sometimes the mesh works in-game, sometimes it CTD. However, the texture never works. It works in Nifskope, outfit studio and Bodyslide. But not in game? Help!
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