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  1. Yes, I had Avast on PC, But I uninstalled it as the guide asked me to do, and maybe It was the issue but checked for the game they were missing. I fixed this issue with help of YouTube and Internet. Thankfully, I can play this game now. Thank you for the reply, BTW.
  2. Hello @Bette19, I faced this too, this was because of some files were missing and all the game files are necessary for launching the game. Here check out this thread: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8064228-dragon-age-inquisition-wont-opening-in-pc/&do=findComment&comment=74121658 I've already discussed about it. I i dig on Google about this issue, I found a link which helped me. you can find that on this thread too.
  3. I recently bought DAI and I've been looking forward to playing it, except that the game won't run when I launch it! I've tried every solution I can find for this problem, but nothing works. I've updated my drivers, I've run DAI and Origin as administrator, I've done the repair option, I've installed the necessary programs that are inside the DAI folder and inside the "_Installer" folder, so that would be directx and everything inside the "vc" folder. I honestly have no clue what to do now, I need some help. Edit: I search on Gooogle regarding this issue, then I found something that helped me here is the link: https://winerrorfixer.com/dragon-age-inquisition-wont-launch/
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