Okay, so I previously didn't have any problems with my Fallout3 client. But, since I re-installed and did a complete wipe of my F3 data, it seems to want to crash at completely random and unexpected times. Now, before somebody comes back with a smart remark and says "NUB!! USE THE SEARCH BUTTON LOLZ@YOU!!", I already did search for a cure for my diseased F3 but to no avail. This may be a problem that has to do with the official DLCs, but I'm not sure. I'm currently only running Broken Steel since its the only one I can seem to get to work. The crashes happen anytime, any place, and I could be doing anything in Fallout, it wont matter. The game will just crash to desktop and give me some stupid error. Is there anybody that could help me solve this? Or, post a link to a related topic? Or, anything really. I just hate not being able to enjoy Fallout