Points? Points? Those aren't even pen nibs. Points are sharp and focused, glistening spears of beauty that strike with deadly accuracy and pierce to the depths of the soul. Your so-called points are dull and lackluster, bluntly hitting on the same old calluses built up over years of ignorance and apathy. Is a debate a discussion? Yes, in fact it is the highest form of discussion, the true form of exchanging ideas and points of view in a free-flowing environment of give-and-take, speak-and-hear. Not a I’m-right-so-there attitude, but intellectual interchanging of hypotheses and convictions. No winners and losers, no scores and time-keeping, just a fluent transposition of well-thought-out positions and beliefs. Of course this means simple answers like ‘yes’ and ‘no’ need to be expanded upon for a true debate to happen, the mind needs to be exposed to differing views and opinions, the subconscious mind allowed to weigh the merits of statements made, and feel the validity of said statements. So let’s open our minds, validate our positions, express our views: Is this Gaia site queer = gay, queer = odd, queer = green; and thus anyone who likes it is gay, odd, or green. Vaanic~One has stated that he is not gay, but likes this site. Now I see distinct homophobic tendencies in his writing, and since that site is gay (no matter what queer may also mean) this means he must still be in the closet. That’s one point for me ;D (See how sharp and to the point that was? Works every time 8) )