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About phawk69

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    Master of Zooz
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    Morrowind, Hitman II

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  1. Silver bullets, the Full MoonTM and the Dish-That-Ran-Away-With-The-Spoon (the Spoon was fickel, and had run off again with a whizened old hermit that liked pudding in a galaxy far far away). The otters, which are by nature creatures of habit, frolicked under the Full MoonTM, which fell from the sky, and squished them flat; Silver Bullets took out the stupid wolf as fast as snot thorugh a blender; and the Dish went to check out the pudding, where it found ...
  2. ... Flatuate: loud, extraordinarily long, wet flatulents. The kind that make conversations stop all over the room, no matter how big. The kind that make you wish you had another pair of underware. The kind that take on a life of their own, crawling up legs and sneaking over shoulders, invading airspace and causing noses to wrinkle. The kind ...
  3. ... He wondered if there couldn't have been a better way to resolve his issues. Maybe he should have listened when his mother told him to take voice lessons, maybe he should have used his diaphragm to project his voice, maybe he should have become a paper hanger like his dad instead of thinking he could act. All these thought faded as his brain shut down due to no blood flow, and his eyes glazed over in death. Just then his little daughter walked into the room, placing one little foot in the expanding pool of blood ...
  4. Thankfully the alarm rings just as he feels pinned. Now, as everyone knows, a pin being pinned is a little tacky, but nail be fine when he wakes up. He rose hard and straight, and headed for a job interview with a very upright company, Thumb and Tacks, which specialized in hangs. During the interview they asked him if he had ever ...
  5. Right in the nay-nays, hard. A size twelve, patent leather with tassels. I knew that loafer, and the one attached to it: Hubert Mislay, the man I had beat out for the role of Stuart Smalley - they said his name just wouldn’t look as good in the credits as mine, who am I to argue. As I groaned feebly, I hear the director shout “And ... Action” then...
  6. Perhaps if they served Spam instead of fried cat, the cats could look after the rats and the Brits could eat fried Spam, which they weren't very fond of but ate stocially none the less. After floating this idea to the board of directors of KFC, he was soundly thrashed. His idea could not work: firstly because they would have to change all their signs to "KFS", at a prohibitivaly high cost; secondly because the rats were actually the cooks, so there would be no-one left to fry the cats; and thirdly because ...
  7. Not a Sodomite but from Gemorrah are you? As Karkarinus said "Curiouser and curiouser" Now, don't you think shagging dead horse would classify as 'queer'? Personally, I would have to say a great big "YUP", so your queerness is now no longer in question, just to classify it :)
  8. Points? Points? Those aren't even pen nibs. Points are sharp and focused, glistening spears of beauty that strike with deadly accuracy and pierce to the depths of the soul. Your so-called points are dull and lackluster, bluntly hitting on the same old calluses built up over years of ignorance and apathy. Is a debate a discussion? Yes, in fact it is the highest form of discussion, the true form of exchanging ideas and points of view in a free-flowing environment of give-and-take, speak-and-hear. Not a I’m-right-so-there attitude, but intellectual interchanging of hypotheses and convictions. No winners and losers, no scores and time-keeping, just a fluent transposition of well-thought-out positions and beliefs. Of course this means simple answers like ‘yes’ and ‘no’ need to be expanded upon for a true debate to happen, the mind needs to be exposed to differing views and opinions, the subconscious mind allowed to weigh the merits of statements made, and feel the validity of said statements. So let’s open our minds, validate our positions, express our views: Is this Gaia site queer = gay, queer = odd, queer = green; and thus anyone who likes it is gay, odd, or green. Vaanic~One has stated that he is not gay, but likes this site. Now I see distinct homophobic tendencies in his writing, and since that site is gay (no matter what queer may also mean) this means he must still be in the closet. That’s one point for me ;D (See how sharp and to the point that was? Works every time 8) )
  9. But if we turn this into a debate, isn't it then in the wrong forum?
  10. Marxist is right, this would not make us as queer as they are, this site is WAY too cool to ever be queer :D (I'll take my tip in bills Dark One, thanks) Please note: it is hard to write tongue-in-cheek, and my post to take this to 1000000 pages was that, I am not serious, and I hope one of the mods will close this topic long before it digresses that far. Thanks for your sense of humor, those that have one :)
  11. Hey, wait. I just had a queer idea, let's try and make this topic go to 1,000,000 pages ;D We're only 294112 pages behind, I'm sure we could catch up in no time. So, what do you think guys? Guys? Hello? Is there anybody out there? Hello? Hey, is thing even on? (You all know it was going to be suggested, and you wanted to do it :P )
  12. [offtopic] So it is, but "queer" still also means many other things, not always homosexual linky as this link shows, so although it is the 21st century and a new usage for an old word has been added, the old usages are still in effect. This is not true for all words, such as "gay" which is never used in any other context than to mean homosexual now, or "fag", but "queer" does still get some other usage, and thus the meaning of Dark One's statement cannot be assertained until HE defines "queer" (Wow, what a word Nazi rant, and not even on topic, hope these off topic bb codes work here.)[/offtopic] quick edit: Guess they don't, oh well.
  13. ... Being the stoic Brit he was, decided tears were definitely not British enough. So, pulling a white linen hankerchief from the breast pocket of his tweed overcoat and dabbing at his eyes in a very stiff-upper-lip way, and set off to notify each of the bereaved personally. He first went to ...
  14. ... and off three times quickly, which caused a slight panic among the delegates who began looking for an exit. Finding one, they fled in six different directions: North, South, East, West, Up, and ...
  15. Is there no way to open a back door into that site and delete the whole thing? I almost puked looking at it, and now my eyes hurt. And they wanted to set a cookie so they could track that I was there; oh the inhumanity. He never said you were gay, just queer. It's too bad you associate that with gay. On a totally unrealeted topic: don't you just love this english language? (wow, this has to be close to necromancy, sorry :) Although I always did like dead things ...)
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