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Posts posted by xanirus

  1. I wonder if anyone found the cause of this issue?


    I'm running quite an extensive list of mods, but only have constant crashes in Bunker Hill and surrounding area. It's fine everywhere else in Commonwealth, but area around Bunker Hills seem cursed. Extremely low fps a bit north of Cabot House and constant crashing. Even simply loading a save before the gates of Bunker Hill crashes the game. This is new game - I used coc command. In the previous playthrough I somehow made a stable save in Bunker Hill, but had instant, 100% reproducible crash while trying to walk to Cabot House.

    I can't believe this is still a thing. Both the Cabot House exterior, and Boston Commons, CTD within 10 seconds of entering either area. This is with ANY combination of mods. More than several times I have restarted my entire game with a new character and cheat myself to those areas to test, and every single time I'll find some mods that I THINK cause the crash, start my game and play for real, waste 15 hours, and it crashes anyway. It's almost as if the game deliberately plays ok when I'm just testing, but only decides to crash when I've already invested time into actually playing the game.


    I've dealt with this problem for several months and so sick and tired of it. It's usually crap like this happening why I never end up playing the DLC's of Bethesda games.

  2. I tried searching for this, but to no avail. I'm currently using the Swartz compilation mod, which amongst others, includes alteration to the guns. Because of this, what would happen if I were to play one of the trials? Even though it's single-player, it "is" competing against others in the leaderboards. Am I going to have to change my patch.dat everytime I want to play trials, to avoid getting banned, or will the game automatically revert to it's original self when I do so?
  3. Basically, for mods that change Skyrim's max level, such as Game Settings Customizer, (or, basically the max level in which you stop getting perks,) do leveled lists take it into account?


    The default max level (that you'll get perks for) is 50. GSC, (the mod above) can edit it to 100, as well as adjusting the pace it takes to gain levels themselves. There are leveled mechanics in the game such as spells that work on enemies up to level 9, for example, and radiant quest rewards that give you an amount of gold also based on your level.


    Since 100 is twice as much as 50, does this mean the same spell will actually work up to level 18? (Without dual casting.) Also, taking a look at increased rewards for radiant quest mods, they tend to fiddle with TGRewardGoldRaidant, which, if I understand correctly, increases gold rewards at level 1, 6, 11, 16 etc.....This means at level 1, for example, I will receive 100 gold, 200 at level 6, 300 at level 11, etc. (In this case, it's every 5 levels.) Throwing in the modded max level, (100) would this mean TGRewardGoldRaidant would then look at at every 10 levels instead? (1, 11, 21, 31, etc.)


    I hope I'm making sense, cause I DID see this with Oblivion mods, I'm hoping it does the same thing.

  4. Does the race menu itself cause crashes, or whenever you change your race?


    If it's just changing your race, well, changing race mid-game in general is typically a screwy thing to begin with. The wiki for showracemenu itself has stated this; it can also mess with your attributes. However, you can go here,




    to sort of fiddle with your attributes to kind of make up your own racial bonuses if that's what you're thinking.


    If the race menu itself is making you crash, you might have a mod that is conflicting with your character that you installed after you made him/her. (Such as new races, or hair, etc.)

  5. This is a very small change but would make my game and possibly everyone elses more enjoyable. While the FOOK mod is great, I found that (especally with MMM increased spawns) it is quite unforgiving as for as ammo quanaity. Enemies could give away 1/4 of the same ammo of what it took me to kill them with. Down the line, I would eventually run out of ammo even if I was being careful with aim and being conservative. (I'm trying to play this game as an RPG/FPS, not a survival horror game that's not even scary.) So I found the looting leveled lists regarding ammo from dead bodies (it was easy to find because the count was the same as the ammo I was getting) and I upped them to something more reasonable. As plentiful as it is now, I still would like an option to aquire a particular type of ammo that I want, besides using CRAFT - FOOK Ammo Schematics which while is very useful, a little cheap and making things a bit too easy.


    More or less, I would like it to be able to buy ammo from vendors, something to spend my endless flow of caps on, but the amount of ammo FOOK makes the vendors sell would go away in seconds, that and only specific vendor sell specific types of ammo.


    I can't for the life of me find a way change what they sell with FO3Edit, as I think it has do with actual modding in GECK, but more important, I found this levled list:


    XZXVendorCGCyyyAmmoALL [LVLI:07019F8C]


    If you look under XZXCGCVendorChestBuriedMoiraBrown, she has this leveld list. The problem is, under THAT list is compleley blank. I do not understand why this is the case. The levled list leads to nothing. Certain vendors have XZXVendorCGCyyyApparelALL and XZXVendorCGCyyyWeaponsALL, with approiate ALL apparel and ALL weapon leveled lists to it, but the AMMO one has nothing. I would think that if this list had actual ammo leveled lists in it, it would make the vendors sell ammo, (or more what they would normally) but I'm no modder, and I can't do that for myself, which is why I'm requesting it here.


    Regardless if that works or not, if it's not too much trouble, what I would like is for various vendors (at least the ones that sell weapons like Moria, Karl, Flak, the dude in Paradise, the ghoul in Underworld, etc.) to sell all FOOK ammo. The amount doesn't matter, I could easily change that myself via FO3edit. Thanks.

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