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About nokiaslave

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  1. Who says it has to look like either? I have to think that making a lich model would be even easier now that Dawnguard has come out on PC. Maybe he could find a way to adapt the vampire lord movement animations with the model of a Dragon priest and go from there. Wouldn't know how it all works though, just got into moding myself.... Anyway I look forward to this mods completion ;) yea dragon priest with vampire lord anims would be great. Why not dragon priest with dragon priest animations? Personally I think vamp. lord animations would look aweful on lichs (they look aweful anyway, they don't even beat their wings :down: ) Or that. There is mod named master shapeshifter so dragon priest there could be used. Personally dragon priests are way more cooler than oblivion type liches.
  2. Who says it has to look like either? I have to think that making a lich model would be even easier now that Dawnguard has come out on PC. Maybe he could find a way to adapt the vampire lord movement animations with the model of a Dragon priest and go from there. Wouldn't know how it all works though, just got into moding myself.... Anyway I look forward to this mods completion ;) yea dragon priest with vampire lord anims would be great.
  3. Hi i was browsing through pictures and stumbled upon one. Im particulary interested in those straps and belts on the armor pls could u tell me whats armor mods are invoved
  4. Hi i wanna ask. I edited a facemask in 3ds max 9 and when i exported it everything is fine except one bright vertex i guess. anyway when i swap back original facemask in nifskope with same texture that bright spot is gone so i doubt its a texture issue. Since that model dont have vertex coloring i dont know whats causing it. Thanks
  5. Hi i wanna ask where can i find program or so that can make facial features similar to this dunmer on the pic, cause it seems its not possible to do it ingame thnx
  6. There are a few... http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32819 http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.detail&id=4311 But no really good ones. There was supposed to be a really neat one released with the 3.0 version of Silgrad Tower, but that was said back in 2008 and no update since... thnx man for quick reply :smile:
  7. hi there thnx for previous help i just wanna ask. Are there some good morag tong armor mods? I only saw waalx version which looked best for me but he never finished it or so or at least i wasnt able to find it. Thnx
  8. Hi i wanna know whats the armor on that pic As far as I know it's a private mash-up by that person. ok but pls tell me whats the name of the mod that cloth around the neck and shoulders comes from
  9. Hi i wanna know whats the armor on that pic
  10. Hi there. I recently downloaded some nice assassin armor and wanted to attach some weapon onto belt for pure aestehetic style. The belt isnt part of the armor, rather its one separated nif. I got 3ds max 9. I've heard about some bone weight copy technique in bender and i wonder If i can do the same in max or something similar without wiping out whole skin modifier and weighting every vertex manually. Thnx
  11. I would like to know whats the armor at 4:10 that iron leathery
  12. Thnx m8 for quick response u were right i found it :)
  13. Hi there i got some problem with my armor mesh when it renders in nifscope or directly in oblivion. The thing is the mesh is perfectly visible from outside view but becomes invisible or complete transparent from inside. Normally it wouldnt be much of a problem but this armor has parts on it that need to be visible from both sides. Pls help.
  14. Private mashup. Thought so but im after that cloth on the torso. where does that come from
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