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Posts posted by Pipmon

  1. I love the idea of survival mode, but not being able to save or use the console would just bug me as I know I'll get myself stuck or something.


    Is it possible to have the opitions selectable, or have different versions to cover what survival options are active?

  2. For some reason my game won't load if I have any mods installed, It just gets stuck on the loading screen when you start the game. Even if I remove the mods by unmerging them!


    The only way I can play the game is to delete the contents of the \Patch_ModManagerMerge. I have all the DLC installed and it crashes no matter what mod I have.

  3. I've looked at the files but I can't seem to match the items. I looked at the base files to try and find the items with the hed data but they don't match up. I looked at this tutorial http://daitools.freeforums.org/tutorial-give-yourself-crafting-materials-via-perks-t722.html to try and follow the steps to get an idea but the values it has and the values I get don't match so I can't be sure if its the right item or not.


    Basiclly I wanted to add all the creature research items to a shop/ chest as farming them drains my will to live. I know there are mods that increase the drop rate but there are bugs and issues that prevent some from being dropped.

  4. I made a wolf follower by copying the dog follower script and everything and it works fine. It follows and waits but for some reason it will not follow me into or out of my custom house. I have set up the navmesh and if I move him to me using the console, he moves around fine inside but won’t go through the door.
  5. I'm trying to make a follower and I was going to copy what I did in the Fallout NV GECK which was give the actor a few number variables and have the dialogue options/ behaviour based on the values, but with no scripting box like in the GECK I added a few "Int" values to both the base actor and the one in the world editor hoping it would work but when I edit the dialogue and add a condition with the GetScriptVariable function the actor has no variables.


    Is there another way to add variables or a way to have different dialogue options/ behaviour without actor values?

  6. I tried to retexture the vault bed by adding a texture set and worked fine in the GECK but in game when I entered the same room the game crashes and when I try to load the room or object in the GECK that crashed too.

    Has anyone else had this problem and may know whats wrong?

  7. I have added wristbands from the legion armor to some combat armor by combining the meshes but in game my characters left arm sticks out and doesn't move. I'm guessing that there is something wrong with the references to the body or something?
  8. I've been using the tailor maid mod and some of the items I want to equip they remove others and after checking on the GECK they use the same body part. I have never used mesh making/ editing software so is there a way to combine the meshes into one?
  9. I have made my own radio station with 85 songs on it thats works fine when used on the pip boy but i copyed the jukebox and changed to radio station it plays to my station but when i turn it on in game it doesn't play anything.

    I checked the other radio stations and i can't see any reason why it doesn't work.

  10. When I edit the landscape it appears fine in the GECK but in game the old landscape is still there but it has an odd texture and you can walk right through it to reveal the new, lowered landscape.


    Am I doing something wrong or is it just not working?

  11. Is there any way to change the rate in which the special encounters happen? I've been going round the world map for 2 days trying to get the axe in the stump event and i've gotten to the point where i want to stab Old Tegrin in the brain!
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