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Posts posted by Elimanator14

  1. Im referring specifically to the Subway station in College Square, not the square itself. Are we talking about the same thing?


    Also is there a simple way that doesnt require edits and scripts? I have no knowledge of any of that stuff.

  2. indeed, so, you've found some of the "Bermuda Triangle-y" settlements huh,

    v75 is by far the worst for that.


    Ah, I think partially the problem with College Square was that it's part of 2 or 3 cells

    + some of the precombine issues from the optimization thread here;


    If you delete anything in there with it not being a settlement proper,

    it will break the precombine, specifically, the pram and the trashcan near the rubble pile. (I just put a 'water feature' there).




    I am lucky in that, the Mod Author of "Red Rocket Player Homes" also made a 'test Trainstations Restored" mod,

    which luckily added College Station (cleared mostly)


    Cypher2012 adds trains/ train-settlement mods too...

    Thanks, awesome modders of awesomeness!



    When I tried kludging the cell itself,

    I just put an AnyDoorToanywhere ref to the Basement Living Cell Ref I'd altered to resemble the Trainstation, and called it a day... hehe

    I tried the 'proper' way to make a settlement marker and boundary-counts-as,

    but it's like 3 Interior UGRIDs and it was too much hehe.





    So forgive me, but everything you said is gibberish to me, but, i get the feeling there is no fix possible? Is that what you said with all of the impressive coding stuffs?

  3. Hello! It would be lovely if someone could address the issue with certain indoor cells when it comes to building. Mods like Conquest or even player.placeatme a workshop down doesnt work in certain cells, everything built is invisible! Specifically, College Square Station, and Museum of Freedom. These cells seem to have something unique about them that prevents building. If someone could make a mod, or even tell me how to fix it, to allow building inside certain cells, it would be awesome! Ive been trying to make a Metro settlement for ages there, but nothing I do works! A mod like this could really open up the possibilities to be truly, endless! Thanks for reading modders! Respect to you always!

  4. I hope this thread isnt dead. I still have this problem in my game. I have never had DCMS, nor any other mod mentioned as a possible cause. I dont get ANY new settlers, and when i try to assign them, same as the OP, they walk over to it but are never assigned. People keep writing it off, but i think Automatron might have something to do with it. I dont recall when this started unfortunately, but I do know that it was around the time I placed my first Robot Workbench. Any have ANY ideas on how to fix, or more importantly, how to avoid this problem?

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