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  1. Would you be interested in making some Stargate themed technology props? Stuff such as hightech looking computer screen, etc to be placed in map? I can give it a shot. Like i said im a beginner. Let me know what you want and i can get started on it, and learn more in the process. Cool, here are a few screens of some things i'd like for my mod, see what you can do with it "Thor's Hammer" Side view of an Asgard Computer Front view on it!
  2. Would you be interested in making some Stargate themed technology props? Stuff such as hightech looking computer screen, etc to be placed in map? I can give it a shot. Like i said im a beginner. Let me know what you want and i can get started on it, and learn more in the process.
  3. I have been using texnexus for mods for years, but ive decided to get into it more. I just started 3D modeling a little while ago. Im nowhere near great yet. But as im learning i can make some models for who ever needs some. This is a sample of Bankotsu's Sword i made.
  4. If you mean have sons and daughters with your spouse im all for that.
  5. Vampire hunter was a mod i did in oblivion (for my personal use). Though i never truly completed it, this is an idea i'll be looking into for further jobs. If i have to to take this mod on myself ill start with the simpler ones like blacksmithing, enchanting, and alchemy. Just so i can release something for people to sample and test. Witcher Hunter (Witcher) is a good idea. Maybe Rewards could also be Alchemy bonuses.
  6. Yes family business. I know some parenting mods won't take long for someone to release. And if your character is an older person who's to say they wont have older sons and daughters. THey can all manage shops. That's something to keep in mind.
  7. The idea of this mod is to add more things for the RPer to do. I liked the addition of smithing, alchemy, cooking, and enchanting in their forms in Skyrim. But as a role-player id like to have more. I can become a master blacksmith but i have no shop....thats just weird. So here are a few ideas i have for them and a few more professions. Blacksmith *You can buy ownership of a shop once you've reached proper level *You don't have to stay at the shop at all times because you have a shop keep to stay there and handle the day to day *Dropping by every once in a while your shop keep may have a special order (sometimes bulk orders) for you to craft *The more orders you fill the more money you make over time *Once you are a master smith you can have more shops to possibly make more gold Alchemy *After reaching a certain level you can open a shop *Shop keeps work for you *Filling Special orders makes you nice chunks of gold *If you sell ingredients to your shop you will get more gold than selling to other shops *The higher your level and quality the item the more gold you make *As you fill special orders you can open other shops for more money Cooking *Work for an inn or an Jarl *Becoming a better cook gets you better jobs *After working in so many kitchens you can buy your own inn, or charge an Jarl more to cook *Students may come to you to learn to cook, paying for lessons *Cooking for a special events or a special order can get you large chunks of gold Hunting *More pelts and meat mean more money (one pelt for 10 gold compared to two pelts for 30 gold etc...) *Selling meat to an inn keeper makes you more gold than to a merchant *Selling Pelts to a smith makes you more gold than to anyone else *Hopefully adding a hunters guild would be cool *Sometimes people (rich people) may want a mammoth or Dragon head as a mantle hanging, bring the head get the gold Enchanting *Buy a Shop at a designated level *Shop keeper will handle the day to day *Special orders makes you more money *Duel enchants makes you more money once you get level 100 *Enchanting items and selling them to your shop makes you more money than selling it to an average shop *After becoming a master enchanter and filling enough special orders you can open more shops for more gold opportunities Mercenary *Protecting a caravan makes you gold, kill targeted bad guy makes you gold, bring the heads of monsters makes you gold...so on and so on *Taking jobs from different people may have varying rewards *Harder foes means more gold *A mercenary guild or headquarters would be a plus (the Companions are mercenaries really but if you don't like the lore that goes with them this may be cool) Courier *It is what it is, random letters to random people. *I can't think of any reward besides traveling Skyrim and seeing its beauty Adventurer *Find lost or hidden items for clients *Map out an area by discovering different locations and get paid for it *If not in the Army get paid to scout the land for camps of either side *Rewards could be free nights at inns, free food and free supplies *Don't take an arrow to the knee (sorry couldn't resist) Entrepreneur *Invest money in shops for long term benefits *Loan money to people for their personal interests and get a percentage more back later *Manage Barbs by sending them to different locations *Manage Mercs by sending them to different locations *Buy and sell property (houses, land, horses, buildings, etc...) These are just a few ideas i have. If anyone has any suggestions please make them. This is a suggestion for a mod but if i don't see any any news of this being someones project by the release of the mod kit ill be taking this on as my project. I only modded a bit in Oblivion so it will be a slow coming mod if i have to tackle it. Plus i work a lot so it will take even longer. You guys let me know about what you think and give a few pointers.
  8. Posted in the wrong forums. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/500961-rp-kit-profession-progression/page__p__4092668__fromsearch__1#entry4092668 This is where to find the topic
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