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Everything posted by thiosk2

  1. The saddest part of the DB line was having to remember to go back to that stupid statue every week. I do miss one of the girls in the sanctuary-- im pretty sure she had an electronic crush on me.
  2. yeah, thats the stuff. if you search ur quan masters, you can find an abandonware version of this amazing, classic game.
  3. Even though it was not necessary to kill vivec-- yeah, hes dead. Soul trapped him and turned him into a chameleon enchant, if I do recall.
  4. The fix above worked perfectly for solving any sancre tor quest bug or glitch with ghosts not appearing, and, you do not have to load a savegame before the disaster. I simply went to the room with the three ghosts-- used the console command-- and the fourth ghost went to his spot.
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