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Posts posted by CuisinePK

  1. @carter883 : Reportedly, data packaged by UE4 can, and are here, cooked. That means data necessary for the editor to open and process these files but not for the executables to use them are stripped from the packed files.


    So it seems we can't use them as is with UE. Maybe the Ueviewer can extract and reinject graphic assets into the pak (idk), but I don't think you can unpack, edit and repack with the current bms script.


    Now,the editor has a c++ api with a library dedicated to the handling of pak files, so maybe part of the solution lies there.

  2. My bad UhuruNUru, I should take the time to read :>


    The source code of uviewer is in github, so we might have something there (https://github.com/gildor2/UEViewer).


    -- Edit

    In the UEViewer source code (https://github.com/gildor2/UEViewer), there are projects that would be of interest to us : UEViewer-master\Tools\PackageUnpack and PackageExtract.
    (UEViewer's creator wants his project to be under a 3-Clause BSD License).

    UEViewer is not under license for now, but the creator states he wants it to be under the 3 clauses BSD.


    I have a poor knowledge of cpp, and coding in general, so I'm not sure how to go from there...

  3. I am having trouble unpacking these.


    1. Do you need the exact same engine version as the game (4.21 i think), or does any UE4.XX works ?

    2. How do you use the UnrealPak.exe (do you need to use -list ? Do you have to put a special folder structure to use it ?)


    Using this command in a terminal :

    UnrealPak.exe "./pfile.pak" -extract "./"

    Where pfile.pak is a copy of pakchunk0 and UnrealPak.exe is associated to the UE4.23 (I copied the exe and its associated libraries into a new folder, the result is the same if I call it from the install folder).


    It fails as UnrealPak is unable to open the .pak

    LogWindows: Error: Unable to open pak file "../../../UE_Project/UnrealPak/pfile.pak".
  4. The .pak files containing, among others, graphic assets and game mechanics (in blueprints) is not encrypted, and can be accessed through various executables. I have yet to finish downloading the UE4 engine and have only seen that the .pak aren't encrypted. But other people stated on reddit that using an exe called UnrealPak allow you full access to these files.


    See here : .\TheOuterWorlds\Indiana\Content\Paks\pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak and .\pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak


    Now, even if there is some kind of tampering watch (which I don't think is the case), it wouldn't be an issue for long as Obsidian stated they want to support modding.


    You guys want to go crazy ?


    PS: ppl from love lab or whatever that creepy mod is called can go back to Spacer's choice.

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