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Everything posted by kvatchcount

  1. Thanks for the reply, but the only mods I have installed are YUP, My Mod, and a Ghoul Ganger mod I have yet to release. Could Load Order changes still have an effect? I'm thinking of adding everything that disappears by hand and write a script that enables them when the things finally disappear so it'll be as if they never disappeared in the first place. They're in the foreground btw.
  2. I am currently playtesting a mod that I've been working on for a while now and making sure no bugs exist. I cannot be sure if my mod causes this or not because FNV is just a buggy game in general but I have my suspicions because when I disable the mod in question and try it nothing bad happens. I enable the mod and, when starting the battle for Hoover Dam, upon leaving the Legate's Camp I am treated to a scene where Legion and NCR start fighting. Thing is, not long after, the bridge leading to the dam from the Legate's Camp disappears alongside the road, sandbags, and railings. I have no idea what would cause this, my mod literally doesn't even edit or add anything on that side of the Dam, let alone touch the scripts, so I can't tell if I need to worried about it being my mod or if it is just luck of the draw. Can anyone help me out here? I guess it isn't exactly a game breaking bug and it is very specific in where it happens so it wont be noticed all that much, but even so. Releasing a mod with that kind of bug wont really be appreciated by anybody. :/ I post this here and at New Vegas Mod Troubleshooting because it could either be the mod's fault or the game's fault.
  3. I am currently playtesting a mod that I've been working on for a while now and making sure no bugs exist. I cannot be sure if my mod causes this or not because FNV is just a buggy game in general but I have my suspicions because when I disable the mod in question and try it nothing bad happens. I enable the mod and, when starting the battle for Hoover Dam, upon leaving the Legate's Camp I am treated to a scene where Legion and NCR start fighting. Thing is, not long after, the bridge leading to the dam from the Legate's Camp disappears alongside the road, sandbags, and railings. I have no idea what would cause this, my mod literally doesn't even edit or add anything on that side of the Dam, let alone touch the scripts, so I can't tell if I need to worried about it being my mod or if it is just luck of the draw. Can anyone help me out here? I guess it isn't exactly a game breaking bug and it is very specific in where it happens so it wont be noticed all that much, but even so. Releasing a mod with that kind of bug wont really be appreciated by anybody. :/ I post this here and at New Vegas Technical Support because it could either be the mod's fault or the game's fault.
  4. Hello, I am the project leader for Simply Uncut - New Vegas. You may, or may not depending on if you browse the FNV Nexus Images, have seen my teaser screenshots. Well. That is why I am here. We are looking for a person who can easily model, texture, and create an icon (However, if someone who reads this can easily do Fallout Item Icons then please respond, then we just need someone who can model and texture) for various items within our project. More details on the project will be given upon volunteering, but you will be modeling/texturing things like a Laser PDW, a gas mas, new ammunition, and more. Thank you for reading this, and thank you for considering should you happen to. The Team is eager to meet anyone who wishes to volunteer, so please PM me if you are interested!
  5. Hello, I am the project leader for Simply Uncut - New Vegas. You may, or may not depending on if you browse the FNV Nexus Images, have seen my teaser screenshots. Well. That is why I am here. We are looking for a person who can easily model, texture, and create an icon (However, if someone who reads this can easily do Fallout Item Icons then please respond, then we just need someone who can model and texture) for various items within our project. More details on the project will be given upon volunteering, but you will be modeling/texturing things like a Laser PDW, a gas mas, new ammunition, and more. Thank you for reading this, and thank you for considering should you happen to. The Team is eager to meet anyone who wishes to volunteer, so please PM me if you are interested!
  6. Hello, I am the project leader for Simply Uncut- New Vegas. You may, or may not depending on if you browse the FNV Nexus Images, have seen my teaser screenshots. Well. That is why I am here. We are looking for a person who can easily model, texture, and create an icon (However, if someone who reads this can easily do Fallout Item Icons then please respond, then we just need someone who can model and texture) for various items within our project. More details on the project will be given upon volunteering, but you will be modeling/texturing things like a Laser PDW, a gas mas, a lever action rifle, and more. Thank you for reading this, and thank you for considering should you happen to. The Team is eager to meet anyone who wishes to volunteer, so please PM me if you are interested! :laugh:
  7. Hello, I am a project leader for a mod relating to New Vegas. You may, or may not depending on if you browse the FNV Nexus Images, have seen my teaser screenshots. Well. That is why I am here. Our current modeler, a talented lass, is procrastinating and we haven't received work in nearly six months. We are left without a modeler, essentially. We are looking for a person who can easily model, texture, and create an icon (However, if someone who reads this can easily do Fallout Item Icons then please respond, then we just need someone who can model and texture) for various items within our project. More details on the project will be given upon volunteering, but you will be modeling/texturing things like a Laser PDW. A gas mas. A gas mask attached to a cowboy hat, and more. Thank you for reading this, and thank you for considering should you happen to. The Team is eager to meet anyone who wishes to volunteer, so please PM me if you are interested! :laugh:
  8. Hello, I am a project leader for a mod relating to New Vegas. You may, or may not depending on if you browse the FNV Nexus Images, have seen my teaser screenshots. Well. That is why I am here. Our current modeler, a talented lass, is procrastinating and we haven't received work in nearly six months. We are left without a modeler, essentially. We are looking for a person who can easily model, texture, and create an icon (However, if someone who reads this can easily do Fallout Item Icons then please respond, then we just need someone who can model and texture) for various items within our project. More details on the project will be given upon volunteering, but you will be modeling/texturing things like a Laser PDW. A gas mas. A gas mask attached to a cowboy hat, and more. Thank you for reading this, and thank you for considering should you happen to. The Team is eager to meet anyone who wishes to volunteer, so please PM me if you are interested! :laugh:
  9. Hello, I am a project leader for a mod relating to New Vegas. You may, or may not depending on if you browse the FNV Nexus Images, have seen my teaser screenshots. Well. That is why I am here. Our current modeler, a talented lass, is procrastinating and we haven't received work in nearly six months. We are left without a modeler, essentially. We are looking for a person who can easily model, texture, and create an icon (However, if someone who reads this can easily do Fallout Item Icons then please respond, then we just need someone who can model and texture) for various items within our project. More details on the project will be given upon volunteering, but you will be modeling/texturing things like a Laser PDW. A gas mas. A gas mask attached to a cowboy hat, and more. Thank you for reading this, and thank you for considering should you happen to. The Team is eager to meet anyone who wishes to volunteer, so please PM me if you are interested! :laugh:
  10. Thanks for the guide, but still nothing. I don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point.
  11. I am trying to redux an old mod of mine and I want to try and integrate its NPCs seamlessly. Hence scenes of actor dialogue events. However, these random conversations refuse to trigger ingame no matter how long I wait. The packages have correct flags set. The quest aliases are set properly, the NPCs in question are always together. I have a SEQ file, and I have a clean save... What am I missing? I've been at this all day to no avail.
  12. Thanks guys. I'll DM her these tips and hopefully they help. Thanks.
  13. More specifically, a friend needs help. She's trying to get a cowboy Clippy in New Vegas and she can't figure out how to bind the mesh to its skeleton. I told her I'd find someone who could help, so if anyone would like to take the time then let me know.
  14. More specifically, a friend needs help. She's trying to get a cowboy Clippy in New Vegas and she can't figure out how to bind the mesh to its skeleton. I told her I'd find someone who could help, so if anyone would like to take the time then let me know.
  15. I tried that already.. No dice. EDIT: Through strenuous testing the issue has been resolved.
  16. But, see? I can't. I have no idea what I am doing because I did not create these navmeshes. A former member of my modding team did, and she didn't tell me what to do before she left. I only have a basic understanding of it, and even then it's not enough for the scope of this dungeon. I was hoping to find relatively easy solutions because of this. :|
  17. Title. But more in depth, I am trying to create a quest that can end with the NPC participants leaving the cell, and the only exit is up some stairs. However the NPCs will not follow the Navmesh that leads upstairs and instead takes a sharp right when nearing the stairs and goes down a separate corridor until they hit a barrier that sits down that way. At that point they just stand still. I have finalized the Navmeshes. Connected them as best I could. I did not create them myself tho, someone else who left my project team did but didn't tell me what they did before they left. Any help would be massively appreciated, as this is starting to bug the crap outta me. :|
  18. Hello, I am a project leader for a mod relating to New Vegas. The name is a secret, but one we hope to properly reveal soon in the future. You may, or may not depending on if you browse the FNV Nexus Images, have seen my teaser screenshots. Well. That is why I am here. Our previous modeler, a talented lass, had decided to quit due to some issues in real life so we are left without a modeler. That is why this exists. We are looking for a person who can easily model, texture, and create an icon (However, if someone can easily do Fallout Item Icons, then we just need someone who can model and texture) for various items within our project. More details on the project will be given upon volunteering, but you will be modeling/texturing things like a Light Rail Cannon. A gas mas. A gas mask attached to a cowboy hat, and more. Possibly a rivet gun too. Please PM me if you are interested!
  19. Wrong place to ask, mate. Go to Bethesda's website for that. :)
  20. Perfectly clean, I assure you. A Clue: Ultra-Luxe Bathhouse And thanks!
  21. A simple question. A couple dialogue lines of mine rely on the player being dressed in any way, shape or form. I put all the wearable armor and clothing in the game into one form list for reference in dialogue conditions (so they can check if your wearing anything or not). Will this be harmful or negative to the game in any way?
  22. I have come across some weapons in the files of New Vegas that lack models, textures, and icons. Weapons like the Heavy Riveter and Light Rail Cannon. To put it simply, I am looking for someone with experience in weapon modeling to volunteer to aid our team in restoring these forgotten weapons. Our team has already restored a plethora of weapons, items, NPCs, and even starting on quests. If anyone would like to volunteer, then please PM me. Otherwise, thanks for reading this and if you considered it then thanks for taking the time to consider it! :smile: EDIT: I created a casting call, which provides more details than listed above! https://www.castingcall.club/projects/simply-uncut-new-vegas-a-fallout-new-vegas-mod-6437418b-1b6b-4666-b156-7aff733e429b Again, thanks people!
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