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  1. for the bodies? I think none. I have the bodybuilder's body and those textures for males, default for females. I have qtp3 for every other texture.
  2. Since I have the landscape and other graphics up to par, I'd like to work on fixing the characters. I'm looking for mods, specifically that fix that horrid self shadow problem, and that terrible texture problem where the neck connects with the body... but after that, anything that improves textures, or changes anything other than body mesh (already have a different body type installed) would be welcome.
  3. Installed all three, plus QTP3 High Detail LOD. Maxing 45 fps, averaging around 30. Looks f***ing awesome though. I'll post screenshots after seventeen hours of Portal 2 :D
  4. I've been searching and searching for some sort of mod that makes the landscape lod look amazing. Not just acceptable, not just better, but AMAZING. Performance aside, I've got a superclocked Nvidia GT590 and I'm trying to push it to it's limit. Everything around me looks amazing, but the faroff landscape looks like utter s*** now. I don't want that stupid one that just increases the size, it still will look like s***. I want something to match with the beauty of this: http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd377/omfgrichppl/Oblivion2011-04-1812-31-49-33.jpg
  5. no, i was being sarcastic. and anytime the drive letter changes, i always change it back. It's a pain, takes like 10 minutes.
  6. thanks, i totally don't know what i'm doing so i need to be walked through what's already stated clearly in the readme. this helped me greatly. in case you couldn't tell this was sarcasm. I'm not an idiot.
  7. great... so what is it? I'd really hate not being able to use any obse mods :/
  8. I have usb ports in front and in back, the ones in front were upgrade to 3.0 and that's where the exthd is, nothing else plugged in there. I don't think the external hard drive is the problem, as i have no issues running any other games from it.
  9. I have obse installed because I previously had mods and suffered weird crashing, so clean install, obse was the first to be installed. I don't use plugins for obse, I run Vista, Installed the game to an external hard drive.
  10. i have oblivion version i think. Yeah, i have knights installed, and frostcrag and orrery (that's it though) no obse plugins, don't even know where i'd get those tbh
  11. that's just it though, i'm not using any mods. It was a clean install, no mods at all. I'm using the latest, version 0020 or something, and i'm not sure how to figure out my oblivion version, but i have shivering isles installed if that helps woops doublepost
  12. that's just it though, i'm not using any mods. It was a clean install, no mods at all. I'm using the latest, version 0020 or something, and i'm not sure how to figure out my oblivion version, but i have shivering isles installed if that helps
  13. I have a problem with oblivion script extender, when run with the loader the game will crash after several minutes of gameplay, no matter what i'm doing. I've deduced that it was obse after a clean install with vanilla oblivion and obse installed, ran fine without obse, loaded with obse it crashed after five minutes.
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