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About mattski123

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  1. Neat points, which is why an MCM could be helpful, especially to modify & specify which is okay not to equip etc. But yes, even as a simple start basic could be helpful. Maybe even utilizing Conditional Equipment to "lock" certain bits/equipment parts in place. So selecting "auto equip" for Boots, Gauntles & Cuirasses but lets say having "don't auto equip" for headgear & any weapons for example. Or specifying a weapon type to wield like "only 2h" or "only bows & 1h/shield" for example.
  2. Hey! So I was using Smart Harvest and wanted to have some automatic was to auto equip whatever are the best looted items. It would be especially cool if you could specify via mcm what you wanna prioritize (for instance if I wanted to only use the best light armor or only use the best bow/two-handed weapons etc). There currently does not exist a mod for this, and I feel like this would be really cool. This could be easily based on the little Diamond (used in SkyUI) signifying the best for damage & armor rating. I figured even this as a simple start would be great. Just not sure how to identify that diamond in terms of how you specify what's the best. Let me know if there's a mod that does this!
  3. Can you please say what it was in the end?
  4. Can you please say what it was in the end?
  5. There's two very triggering things which are currently happening with her. This first one is that the distance which you set for her sandbox doesn't work through MCM. The second is that she doesn't get up off the ground after combat even once reset. Reference: https://i.imgur.com/b0i59Vg.jpg Both of these issues have been reported by multiple people, I've tried disabling various mods with .pex & .hkx files while re-running FNIS and nothing affects either of these. Very annoying! If anybody wants to fix these, that'd be awesome! My modlist & Sofia Bugslist.
  6. Anybody want to take up the challenge of making a patch for both of these to work together? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30170 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13604
  7. I know this is old, but will making an objects texture (lets say a large one) completely transparent help with FPS?
  8. I can literally be doing anything (although it mostly happens when I'm just generally walking outside) and boom, frozen then CTD.I've gone through SSEEdit using assets browser to get these details here: https://i.imgur.com/T4wDbOe.png & https://i.imgur.com/v5PCowE.png .Possible relevant objects (3) [ 198] BSLightingShaderProperty(Name: null) [ 350] BSFadeNode(Name: `SweetRoll01`) [ 427] BSFadeNode(Name: `CommonBench01`)Full log: https://pastebin.pl/view/da12c3a4
  9. So, in MO it won't show seperate nifs which are loaded (because assuming) they're already compacted into .bsa files. Is there a way to identify which .nif files may be in conflict with each other? My purpose for wanting to know is to find out why certain objects (like below) may look a weird way. The one below is super shiny, and I'm wondering if a different load order would change it. https://i.imgur.com/m68Fysn.png & https://i.imgur.com/8SXY65C.png Thanks in advance! P.S. modlist if you desire...
  10. Just delete this, I posted under the wrong header. Here's the actual request: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9254398-can-somebody-make-a-mod-or-a-method-to-show-current-song-playing-in-skyrim/
  11. This is an idea more for music added by mods, but it would be good to see what's playing so we can remove the songs using CK or xEdit if we like.
  12. All of us have thought about it, little of us know how to fix it. Apparently the Skyblivion team has fixed this, if anybody knows their fix that'd be sweet. Other than that, nothing. Please bring us a mod!
  13. I was looking through some mods and forums but none of them seem to fix this awful issue. Here's a link to what I'm on about: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1370130-torch-animation-while-riding-a-horse/ Anybody know a fix?
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