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Posts posted by AxelofAtheara

  1. I just did a complete fresh install of both Skyrim and the CK and I extracted the Scripts archive in Skyrim's Data folder for mod creation. However, when I went into the newly created Scripts folder, I only see the .psc files inside of the Source folder. There is no .pex files in the Scripts folder in which the Source folder is located. A while ago, I made a copy of the scripts folder and put it on a flash drive for safe keeping as a backup, but there was a bunch of scripts from mods in it and I'm not sure exactly which scripts are vanilla and which ones are from a mod, so I can't really use it. Is there something I missed while reinstalling everything?

  2. Hello everyone, I've been working on my house mod for the last few days and I wanted to build a stable for my horse. After googling for about an hour, I discovered that I apparently have to make something called a location for the exterior of my house. I watched Darkfox127's video on making it so a horse will appear somewhere besides right next to you when you fast travel, and the video said I need to fill in various keywords in the specified box when making your location. The Creation Kit wiki wasn't much help, and there are apparently zero videos on the topic. I'm a noob when it comes to locations, so any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I'm not sure I'm getting what you guys are referring to. Here's an example of what I want to do: I'd like to use the resources from the mod "Exchange Currency" and add some paper money to a pile of gold I have in my house. I activated this mod like you do Skyrim ESM, Dawnguard, etc. and set my house mod as the active file. when I go into the vanilla and DLC assets, those work fine, but when I go into the folder with the Exchange Currency assets, they all appear as the big red exclamation marks. I don't really understand what ANative meant when he said "Open the editor .ini and add the respective .bsa to SResourceArchiveList2." Are you saying do the same thing as if I were fixing the DLC bug that the CK has after a fresh install?

  4. Does anybody know where to find a good tutorial for creating your own textures (both .dds and n.dds files) for Skyrim? also, I've been getting an error message in Nifskope with a texture I messed with that says "One or more texture dementions are not a power of 2". Does anyone know if there is a way around this, or do I have to start from scratch?

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