Not so long ago I was doing cleaning on my computer, deleting all sorts of useless files, etc. And so, today I decided to launch Skyrim. It didn't start. I checked the task manager, and started the game again. Thus, I realized that the game starts for a while and immediately shuts down. I decided to go into the launcher. It opened. But when I went to "the files section", where plugins should be, I saw that nothing was displayed there, only emptiness. I've been trying to figure out what the problem is for a while, and realized that the game folder is in a different place. I moved it to the previous place. The launcher saw all the plugins again, but there was a mess during which everything was turned on, and the order of loading plugins was broken. I kind of brought everything back. I had to turn off the excess, and yet the game still does not start, skse too not work. I do not know what to do, but I understand that something does not see the path to the folder. All folders with saves, scripts in "my documents" are in place. The game folder itself is also intact. Everything it in place there, but for some reason there are still problems. What is strange is that the launcher icon is lost at the same time, it is not there, there is just emptiness. Nexus mod manger says that I have lost Skyrim.esm, however, the new version of NMM runs fine, with all the saves. In general, I do not know what to do, I hope someone will help me?