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Posts posted by CrystalImage

  1. Alright, time for a strange sort of update. I tried to install it again because I'm stubborn, and it worked. The mod installed just like normal, and everything in game looks fine. Not exactly sure why this happened, as I'm pretty sure I didn't change or do anything to make it work, but whatever. As for the whole texture issue, my character's body was completely invisible with or without armor/clothes, though I could see their arms, legs and head. They were also bald, but I fixed this issue before so it's irrelevant now. I only mentioned it as a segway into why I needed to reinstall my Skyrim, though it sounds like I didn't actually have to do that.

  2. I'm not a huge techinical guy so don't hate me for not knowing everything, but I'll give as many specs as I can.


    Processor: Intel® Core i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60 GHz

    RAM: 8 GB

    Graphics Card: Nvidia GTX 970M


    And it is a laptop, so there's no seperate cooling system or anything. As for the crashing without the enb mod, I had experienced no problems before installing it. I was actually troubleshooting some other mods before trying out this one, so I have a pretty good idea of what was causing crashes and I'm no longer using said mods.

  3. I recently decided to install an enb mod, seeing as how it seems like one of the staples of playing Skyrim on a pc and I wanted a prettier looking game. However, everytime I attempt to enter a building the game crashes. I changed all the files I was supposed to and installed it correctly (as far as I can tell). How can I fix this?


    P.S. The mod I'm attempting to use is the Rampage ENB

  4. So I recently completely uninstalled and reinstalled Skyrim because my character was partially invisible and I couldn't fix it (I figure I must've have deleted some textures or something accidentally), but now, as I'm going back through and reinstalling all the mods I had on before, one of them (and the last one I need) simply won't activate. I've tried several times but it just works for a while then stops and when I hover over the status it just says "The mod was not activated". The mod in question is ChronoTrigger77's Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide TBBP HDT. How can I get this mod to activate?

  5. Just a quick little question since I can't seem to find a straight answer elsewhere and I really want to know. There are a lot of armors that I want to use that are Sevenbase only, but I currently have CBBE installed. Can I install Sevenbase bodies as well, so that I can use those armors, or is it one or the other? Same thing goes for UNP stuff, can I use both that and CBBE?

  6. Thanks a ton for all the replies guys! I did a bit of a mix of the solutions that you all mentioned, using the savegame script cleaner AND installing EFF. This has solved all of my problems, so thanks again!

  7. My last issue's description was a bit wordy so I'll keep this one brief. All of the followers in the game (as far as I can tell) have their dialogue sets as if they were already following me (EX. "Wait here", "We should part ways") but none of them will actually follow me. They just sit around in whatever area they have as a default location. I have tried telling them to part ways but this doesn't change anything, even their dialogue stays the same. When I check the console for playerfollowercount it says 0. This applies to both vanilla followers and the several followers I modded into the game. This first started while I was using TCG (Trade-able Companion Gear by fLokii) and Simple multiple followers by kuertee. In an attempt to fix this issue I uninstalled and deleted both of these mods, installing UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul by fLokii) instead. This has obviously changed nothing. What can I do to fix this?

  8. Hello all,

    As I'm sure you can guess, I am new to this community and mostly new to modding Skyrim. For the past few days I've just been exploring all the options and such, so I guess you could say I might have learned a thing or two, but it isn't a lot. And while I do very much appreciate how easy you guys make most of the mods to install AND all the help you've given others (which in turn helps me), sometimes I still run into issues that I simply cannot seem to fix. This brings us to the reason I am making this topic. I'm sure you guys have seen this exact same thing a million times, but bear with me for a while. (Please withhold the comments about "oh this person already asked that" as I don't feel up to the task of going through 128+ pages of topics to try and find the one I'm looking for :P)


    Anyways, down to the problem at hand. I've been using bodyslide to modify the female bodies in my game (obviously) and it's been working great so far. I managed to figure out how to do a simple batch build that makes all of the vanilla armors (which I have since replaced) with new textures that fit the body I'm using. But what do I do when one of the other armors that isn't a part of the original game doesn't mesh with the character's body? I created a rather curvy character model and it's been working fine, but when I equip said armors everything shrinks back down to the base sizes (or whatever size the armor intended, I guess). I think that you can fix this with bodyslide (correct me if I'm wrong, of course) but I don't have the slightest clue on how to do so.


    Could one of you be kind enough to help me resolve this problem, or direct me to someone/someplace that will help me instead?


    Thanks in advance!


    P.S. In case it is of any relevance (which I'm sure it is), the armors in question are nakrulz's Zipsuit and Meister aka Neovinci's Slave Leia Renewal. Haven't run into the issue with anything else as of yet.


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