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About v3n0m23

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  1. Hello man! Sure i can so that in no time at all! Ill drop that tonight
  2. here's some zodd sword that is ready to use,just dropping some updates,don't want people to think this is dead lol http://i.imgur.com/cD3Xvkq.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/czJhrtj.jpg
  3. Thanks a lot man for your answer! I'll try to follow these Steps... I hope i can sort it out... If I need some further help I'll drop you a Pm ahah xD
  4. yep bro,i fuly agree with you that's why i am asking some help here since i can't find any tutorial... but no one has answered yet :confused:
  5. your idea is amazing,i mean it would be epic to actually mount zodd (no pun intended ahahah xD) i hope we get someone to help us cause besides 3d modeling and texturing i got almost no skills T.T...
  6. Hello guys i modeled a custom 3D mesh for my mod and aligned it to fit the Werewolf skeleton and everything. The problem is:what are the steps i need to follow in order to get my 3d mesh overlap the old werewolf mesh following its skeleton-animations? Thanks in advance! ps:i already got nifskope,blender and plugins...just need some clarification about that here's a preview of the mesh http://i.imgur.com/g9mzTeU.jpg
  7. hello man,yep i got all the dlcs.got actually the legendary version,why xD? here's the finished zodd,we definetely need someone to port it in http://i.imgur.com/8FxSakq.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/LhSTaaV.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/g9mzTeU.jpg
  8. That is an awesome idea and no it is not too late since Femto 3d model is almost ready and we (or better someone that actually know how to do it) can rig the dragon Priest skeleton and animation to the Femto 3d model
  9. Sure thing man the audio part is crucial to give the mod a the Dark gruesome feeling, the anime OST is epic too, i am actually working on zodd and finishing Griffith Demon form armor we better find someone to port them sooner or later.
  10. ahahah yep i think so man xD! here is some zodd progress,texture model etc in progress still http://i.imgur.com/82a9Cdw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Z5ljL4O.jpg
  11. The Main quest Line will feature several locations like band of the hawk outpost, dungeon, Griffith torture chamber, several Church inquisition related locations etc. , but everything located in the skyrim world. However there will be OUTOFSKYRIMWOLRD place like the events of the full Moon that will be mostly like oblivionish gate realms
  12. "All included files have been included with the original author's permission. " btw xD
  13. Here i am, so I was investigating too about the fact if bargserk stuff was free too use or not and it seems it is. Yep a single file for the whole mod would be optimal altough for People who want Just some armor and Weapons Tony separate parts will be made too
  14. if it is we are in need of a scripter,they're rarer than gold nuggets these days lol
  15. Dropping a Zodd the immortal Sketch that is being worked on: http://i.imgur.com/A5SfYGs.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lUdHXPQ.jpg
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