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About Demetriuz

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    Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway.
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, Call of Duty 4, BIA HH,Mercenaries 2.

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. Iv done that quest before, and without killing any ghouls but i didn't get the suite:(
  2. Ok thx^^. but is it possible to get themes and furnishing? now it's just empty and boring.
  3. Is it possible to make a mod or something that gives you the Tennpenny Tower Suite with furnishing an themes without destroying megaton?
  4. Excuse me while I light my spliff Good God, I gotta take a lift. -Bob Marley.
  5. my favourite Rpg is Oblivion and the Gothic series. and Fps Battlefield Bad-Company :)
  6. Im using 2x Geforce 9800 gtx 512 on my pc and it runs everything on full graphics! Im running oblivion with a lot of graphic uppgrades as qarl, on full graphic!
  7. hey guys try this one! God dag det er en hundebesj i hagen min det er også mange morderiske sabeltan kaniner der også og de spiser deg levende så seller de tennene dine til araberne ove gata! I now its not Daedric but try to understand!:P
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