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Status Updates posted by Ihoe

  1. 'sup smartass college boy? oh and why did you give me a bilakh on fb... felt bad for sending req...
    1. VesemirTheWitcher


      I did?? I hate fb so don't take whatever I did seriously

      BTW your avatar is god from monty python right? :D

  2. Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...
  3. Ihoe

    Here have a Kudos, i think people don't appreciate your hardware advices quite enough.
  4. but atleast u got free time. no?

    how many days a week do you go to uni?

  5. Good 4 U dude, guess all you do for now is chase girls and have parties, I'm being doggy styled right now FTR by konkoor

    PS, your friend looks really polite.

  6. hey wesley whats up
  7. Bless us, O Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind Teach us to be patient and always to be kind. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and will have a wonderful new year.
  8. Bless us, O Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind Teach us to be patient and always to be kind. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and will have a wonderful new year.
  9. Bless us, O Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind Teach us to be patient and always to be kind. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and will have a wonderful new year. holy cow.
  10. go figure.

    I still can't bed my wife in the game. she is simply unbearable.

  11. he he lol

    xob ishala good bashi was maam doa kon

  12. azizam konkoori kolan be un badbakhtiai me3 ma migan ke bayad berim BEDIM, high five. haddeaghal khub bedim...

    kodom mad miri?

  13. Ohai there... Kam peydayi haji.
  14. Hey amooiee... bache kojaii? ba man doos mishi?

    JK bixi,

    hala jeddan are yoo eeranian konkoori? becaz so am ai.

  15. Seems you have dropped interest in replying, huh?
  16. No s***?! i would have never have guessed. U sure about this? when I joined, there was 1, maybe 2 countrymen here. everybody else were English snobs and fun east Asians.
  17. that triangular shaped thing, forgot the name. i need to tend to my kamar. hope ur pc gets fixed.
  18. *with the guitar.
  19. you could hurt your fingers. then you would need one those damned dabbes that i forgot the name about.
  20. *The guitar has accords. lol for typo
  21. well, I learned it about 9 years ago in an institute that got closed by VEZARATE JERSHAD, so I don't think any info about the place I leaned it might be of use to you. but it has "accords" that when learned, make the entire process of learning a peace of cake.
  22. wish i knew piano, i play the acoustic guitar, the elctric is much harder but they're both much easier than piano when you get the hang of it.
  23. I didn't get what you meant either. lol

    don't give up now, it's only the beginning... muhuhawhawhaw you will be fudged. -the supreme jackass ayatolshaitan

    do you play instruments yourself?

  24. he he lol. leaves a lot of time to do stuff. what music do you listen to? I recommend gojira, if you're into that kinda shi@
  25. Wondering if somebody is going to read this,,,
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VesemirTheWitcher



      :D what am i a gay fish?

    3. Ihoe


      those are eatable sticks, not suckable. although one could suck on them like lollipops you prev.

      Here have nosrati's finger instead if you're a gay fish.

    4. VesemirTheWitcher
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