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  1. Nope. Not Barbarian anyways. That doesn't mean kids didn't watch it. I'm not whining either I just don't want 'another' shitty conan movie. Conan is being played by Jason Momoa which sucks, and Halororor you don't have to be a douche I'm just getting people aware of this and if they care they can try to help.
  2. One question. Is this compatible with Elswyer? Or will you need to turn one off to play the other. (I'm not quite knowledgable on Landmass mods.)
  3. Forgive me if this has been done already, but I thought of a idea that someone can use if they want. Basically you would buy a storefront from where you would buy a house in each city, and the way you sell your goods is you put everything you want to sell in a chest, and random NPC's like 'Adventurer' would spawn in the store from time to time if your in it, and open conversation with you. There you can open up the trade menu, and sell things from your stock. It would be like the random NPC is the store owner, but done in a way where it feels like your the owner. If anyone has any ideas, or critizism please comment.
  4. Dear users of Nexus, It has come to my attention that a remake of Conan the Barbarian is in the process. This is one of my favorite childhood movies, and I will not see it be ruined by Hollywood like past franchises. To me Conan the Barbarian doesn't need to be remade, the very least would be Destroyer. No I think that Conan The Conqueror, or Conan 3 would be more appropriate. The ending of Destroyer led me to believe Conqueror would be next, and would be made soon. I was wrong, King Conan has never appeared since then except in Age of Conan. Arnold is soon to leave office of governor, and he would be great to play as King Conan. He's older now, and if he hit the gym one last time it would be a huge sucsess if done well, and with Robert E. Howard in mind. Please friends if you agree with me, and want to have a good conan movie go here, and sign the pention. http://www.amrathelion.com/Nemedian-Chroni...To-Paradox.html Together we may make a diffrence!
  5. I can help with concept art if it's needed. My scanner isn't hooked up, but by the time I did some of the pictures it would be ready to scan.
  6. I like it, but players would have to be constantly updating their data folder to keep up with new conent being put in the dungeon.
  7. Not sure, but I think Umpa Animations might, but yea some classical instruments to bring more life into castles would be very nice.
  8. All help is welcome I would think if L33 needs any help on the race, or we could try to make the dungeon while he did the race. I don't know. I'm open to suggestions.
  9. My internet has been down for a while so I couldn't respond. l33 take as long as you need if you decide to take it up as a project. I was thinking about a Egyptian like dungeon with these guy's as monsters with maybe some loot that would go well with the race, but that's a whole diffrent story.
  10. It would be cool if you could devolp a backstory on how the race got in Cyrodiil.
  11. Can anyone make a Anubite race? Maybe a khajiit with a redone head, and black skin. I've been looking around for one, and only found a helmet of Anubis. Here's a picture of one.
  12. I love this set, and always wanted it in Oblivion (Before I knew about mods.) and I wondered if anyone could make it. I'm well aware that it would take awhile.
  13. I'd mainly just want the water arrow if it's even possible.
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