Dear users of Nexus, It has come to my attention that a remake of Conan the Barbarian is in the process. This is one of my favorite childhood movies, and I will not see it be ruined by Hollywood like past franchises. To me Conan the Barbarian doesn't need to be remade, the very least would be Destroyer. No I think that Conan The Conqueror, or Conan 3 would be more appropriate. The ending of Destroyer led me to believe Conqueror would be next, and would be made soon. I was wrong, King Conan has never appeared since then except in Age of Conan. Arnold is soon to leave office of governor, and he would be great to play as King Conan. He's older now, and if he hit the gym one last time it would be a huge sucsess if done well, and with Robert E. Howard in mind. Please friends if you agree with me, and want to have a good conan movie go here, and sign the pention. Together we may make a diffrence!