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  1. This is what I feared. Is it pointless to ask their permission? Or I guess, I should just make my own from scratch then. I have the programs for it, after all. One problem I'm having anyway, is that 3DS Max 2015 cannot import nif files, so that means I can't even apply the werewolf skeleton to the alien mesh. I'm not sure of a way around this.
  2. Alright, so one problem when trying to bring the alien mesh into nifskope, is that the dome, jaw, teeth, and body are all separate but floating in place. I'm currently trying to connect them via vertices in blender. Or is there a simpler way to merge it all together?
  3. No worries, thank you for taking the time to reply. For now, I'll focus on just giving it a werewolf skeleton and importing using what advice you gave me. I'll worry about customizing it afterwards.
  4. I'll have the images linked at the bottom, so for now I'm just going to briefly explain my idea. Now, my idea was to create a Xenomorph npc for skyrim, one that you'd encounter only in certain areas, and only one at a time. The reason being is that I'd make its AI more interactive than most, for example 'stalking' the player. Another thing I was worried about was copyright issues. It's the ripped mesh and textures of Alien: Isolation, and I wasn't sure: Would I be allowed to post it on the Nexus? Or would it have to go on to the steam workshop? If you say it can only go on the workshop, then how have modders gotten away with DeadPool, or Warhammer even? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13148/? <-- That's the page for the Warhammer armor, so please do explain. I just want to be careful. The purpose of this is just to be some good and fun practice, with me being a student in 3D art and animation, as well as my love for the Alien series. ---- Pic 1: http://i.imgur.com/hQhbQRx.png Pic 2: http://i.imgur.com/qwdWpqX.png Pic 3: http://i.imgur.com/LoEi31S.png Pic 4: http://i.imgur.com/8BeUL3T.png Pic 5: http://i.imgur.com/yTXdHDk.png Pic 6: http://i.imgur.com/WyDndWA.png What do I do from here? I have the textures, and the mesh clearly all set. Do I apply it to an existing Skyrim skeleton? I'd like it to be standalone, so it's not affected by animation mods. If so, can anyone point me to any tutorials? How would I give it custom animations? I have 3DS Max, Blender, Nifskope, and Maya all ready, but I just don't know what to do with them. Edit: Anyone know how I can at least apply the meshes and textures to a werewolf skeleton, just for testing? Then afterwards, I'd look into giving it its own skeleton to modify with new animations.
  5. I think I'm on to something for the Kilkreath death animation. I think it has something to do with the destructible object data, but I'm not yet sure. I'm still screwing around with it, but nothing seems to have changed. Edit: Wait, damn never mind, that's not it.
  6. Non playable? How do I do that? I've made the duplicate of the object listed outfit, now what do I do? Delete the duplicate outfit. Find the ebony armor, duplicate all of them. In your duplicate armors, tick the non-playable box. Create a new outfit, pull those duplicate armors into the outfit window. Everytime I do that, and start up the game, the outfit disappears on that npc. Any idea how to apply that ghost death effect by any chance too? Thanks for your time, you've been very helpful this far. Non-playable probably doesn't work for NPCs either. I wasn't sure about that. I'm not quite sure how to stop the player from taking their armor. The best I can think of is having them, on activation, not open their body container but open a separate container, which has all the items in their body (except for the armor) moved to it on their death. It's kind of clunky, but it could work. Not sure about the ghost effect, but it's probably fairly easy. I'll look into it. Alright, and thanks again. For now, I'll just deal with having the default outfit, the character is glitching. Might have to remake them, but it wouldn't take that long. Do let me know if you find anything, thanks.
  7. Non playable? How do I do that? I've made the duplicate of the object listed outfit, now what do I do? Delete the duplicate outfit. Find the ebony armor, duplicate all of them. In your duplicate armors, tick the non-playable box. Create a new outfit, pull those duplicate armors into the outfit window. Everytime I do that, and start up the game, the outfit disappears on that npc. Any idea how to apply that ghost death effect by any chance too? Thanks for your time, you've been very helpful this far.
  8. Non playable? How do I do that? I've made the duplicate of the object listed outfit, now what do I do?
  9. Without a certain mod, you can't loot outfits, so give them an outfit with your ebony gear (outfits can be created as well, can't remember the exact location... Maybe under Items in the Object Window?) Hmm, I see. I found the outfits, but I'm having trouble giving the outfit to the npc itself. There's the outfit list in the objects menu, and then there's the drop down menu for outfits in specified npc's menu. I can't drag and drop the listed outfit into the inventory, for some reason. Choosing "All Ebony" from the drop down menu makes it lootable, however.
  10. Hi, I'm in the process of making a mod that adds enemies that are aggressive, and act like they're guarding something. So far, I have the npc created with the appropriate gear, and I need help with the following" - How do I make it so that when this enemy dies, they disintegrate into black smoke like the Kilkreath Shades? - How do I make sure you can't loot their ebony gear, and only be able to get the random gem loot? Thanks so much!
  11. Wow... maybe I should try learning basic modding first. I will return to this in a few years. Thank you both for your feedback. What about Skyrim's engine then? Is it possible to start? Am I allowed to post this in the Skyrim forum?
  12. Yep, already researching that-- Do you make mods?
  13. Hear me out, I've brainstormed this for a while, and I've wanted to make something very similar to Dark Souls's PvP system. But where do I even start? Here's what I have for ideas so far: - I'll certainly have to use blender A LOT more, to model anything that's needed. What other programs do I need to learn? How many are free? - I'm not sure what I have to learn in order to create a server (?) for players to connect to? - Applying blue, red, and white, perhaps golden auras to players (depending on their status) There'd have to be areas where players cannot be invaded, and if they are being invaded, they wouldn't be able to leave. I'm planning on making Area Bosses to certain places, but only for vanilla areas. I'd have to heavily consider integration of existing mods. - How can I get everyone to see each other's separate armor mods on their own characters? (i.e. Forbidden armor on the host, Iron Maiden on the Invader) What about different body types? - I think I'm going to make Deadly Reflexes v5 a requirement (NOT V6) - How will I make Gestures (pose animation mod basically)? - Make a backstabbing system? Does anyone know where I can start? I know it's a HUGE up taking, but I want to make this so badly. Thanks for your time. P.S. How can I work on Deadly Reflexes V5 in order to improve it myself?
  14. Hey guys, I'm running the windows steam in a wineskin. I recently installed FO: NV, and with it, a few weapon mods. I manually installed them, seeing as you can't use any mod manager on a Mac. I installed the AKS74u, BM4A1 Captain Rex Battle Droid, HK- 47, MP42REX, and Raging Bull. When I was asked if I wanted to replace textures and meshes when dumping the files into the Data folder, I clicked replace and yes. Now, when I run my save, every gun but the BM4A1 rifle appears flawlessly. Everything else looks like this: http://imgur.com/a/khhQ6 I'm not sure about the battle droids yet, and I don't know if I should try installing the type 6 body yet. How can I fix this bug? What's causing it? Can I still install other texture and meshes from other mods? -Des EDIT 1: I've noticed that when I reinstall the M4A1 for example, and choose replace to all options, it overwrites the other weapons?? So it's like, I can only have one weapon. I wonder if this interferes with the droid mods too.. EDIT 2: Nevermind! I found that I actually have to drop the individual files of each weapon into the appropriate places! Now I have the weapons I wanted!
  15. Now there's Skyrim itself to deal with. I think this was after I installed Cloaks of Skyrim, but it just won't stay on for more than the awesome drum-logo intro. As soon as that's done, it crashes and goes straight back to the desktop. Why would it do that? Any way to fix this? EDIT: Flowing capes conflicted with cloaks of skyrim
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