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  1. What I'd like is a mod that blocks in all directions when your raise your shield. When playing in 3rd person (even with a lock-on mod - which is glitching out unfortunately), it's really hard to get the right angle (no pun intended) for blocking. Some have said that vanilla has a 120 arc radius for shield and that's only with enemies horizontal to you (so you can still get hit from above?) I was wondering if there are any mods that change the block radius. I don't care what the values are - I can change them in TES5Edit. The closest thing I've found is that Ordinator has a perk that decreases damage by 25% if you have your shield raised so I could maybe increase that to 50%, but I'd really prefer to just change it so the shield blocks in all directions and have damage then tied to how good my blocking skill is (a fairer solution IMO) It's been a few years since I've used the Creation Kit, but I'm willing to get back into it if I need to make this mod myself (I've forgotten how to use it so I'd prefer a ready-made mod if it exists). I was looking at the values here: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Settings However, I couldn't figure out which ones (if any) adjust block radius. Most them don't list what they do on that page and a few I searched Google for I couldn't find the answer. Edit: There are a few things on that list that have radius at 128, but then I noticed some that list max radius at 512 (which doesn't make sense for my basic geometry knowledge, but I'm sure there's an explantion)Also lines that I'm not sure what it does, but sounds promising: fCombatBlockAttackReachMultfCombatBlockAttackStrikeAngleMult
  2. I want to play the Dark Souls 2 on an older patch (before certain gameplay changes were made). I came across this thread, but it's really old so I'm concerned the information might be outdated. https://www.reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/27rvqo/dark_souls_2_files_to_patch_backwards_to_version/ I know this is still possible because Noobest just uploaded a video of him running the game on patch 1.02. I play offline and don't own the DLC (although I think Steam downloaded the DLC files so I could do multiplayer with people who do own the DLCs).
  3. I think you need to have the fGrassWindMagnitude lines in the Skyrim.ini rather than skyrimprefs.ini There's some other performance tweaks here that might help: http://anylookup.com/skyrim-performance-and-image-quality-tweaks-by-emil-rookienoob There's a comment near the bottom of the page that gives some additional tweaks for shadows. Also, check out the mod Grass on Steroids. It's supposed to increase FPS. make sure to set grass density at 75 or higher for most benefit.
  4. Thanks for the responses. I'm using Mod Organizer which uses a virtual filing system that doesn't place mods in the Skyrim data folder so it seems like maybe it is due to installing the creation kit. I guess if the game doesn't use the scripts there's no harm having them there.
  5. There's Dragonborn and Hearthfire folders in my scripts folders even though I didn't purchase these DLCs. Is this normal? I'm having instability issues so I'm checking every thing I can think of. None of the DLC master files are in my skyrim folder so I didn't accidentally receive them such as what happened to a bunch of people getting Dawnguard.
  6. I want to change the values of vanilla enchantments. In the Creation Kit they're called "magic effect" and TES5edit it's "object effect". I spent a long time trying to figure out how to do this because I knew someone was just going to tell me it's very basic and to just go read a CK tutorial. All I want to do is change the numbers. I don't have time to spend hours learning all the ins and outs of the creation kit. Please just tell me how to do it. I've done Google searches, I've tried using TES5Edit, and I've started looking for tutorials, but they're mostly telling you how to make a new weapon or something.
  7. I don't know if my question was too vague or too difficult to answer, but could someone at least tell me if the papyrus log can give information about what's going on? I've been having crashes regularly and don't know what's causing it. I wanted to know about this even before the crashes started, but now I'm even more motivated to find the answer. Edit: I did find this thread which might be useful http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/703954-are-you-having-constant-exterior-ctds-ive-finally-found-your-solution/ I also found this which allows you to analyze your savegame to find issues: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53045/?
  8. Edit: If this question is too vague or difficult to answer please see post #2 I've heard that scripts are one of the most likely things to cause problems in a game, but there are a lot of mods that add scripts and some are more risky than other. Is there an easy way to know how dangerous a mod is in terms of causing instability?
  9. I found another mod that overhauls staves. It lets the magnitude of staves scale with skills. Empowered Magic - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11139/? As far as looking at other people's work I agree with Himeki. Why reinvent the wheel? Take a look at what the author of TTRSO did. At the bottom of their description they gave credit to all the authors who helped him create the TTRSO overhaul. And yet he still tweaked a lot of things and fixed others and came up with a great mod. There are a lot of things that are often done wrong because of various quirks of how Skyrim was coded. One of those is how attack speed is modified - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28456/? A lot of authors try to modify the attack speed and end up causing problems because there's a very specific way that it needs to be done which isn't immediately obvious. Even for people somewhat familiar with the Creation Kit.
  10. Well, the author of SPERG already did make it so staves give experience so is it possible just to see what the author of that mod did? As I mentioned before, it's a huge overhaul and not everyone wants to sign on to it. Especially when the author seems to have abandoned the mod. SPERG also made it possible for you to learn spells from using staves (including daedric staves). I'm not sure how long it takes before you learn the spells. I was messing around with the settings for the hotcast mod. It works reasonably well, but it's hard to figure out a balance so your skills don't increase too much. You also can't have it mapped to the left mouse button or you might accidentally attack someone in town.
  11. @DrNewcenstein: Thanks for testing that out. My modding skills are non-existant atm, but I copied the information down for later. @SnippyChris: Those are some interesting points, but on the other hand staves use up more charges if you don't have a high magic school. Also, learning by doing is an imperfect system. Skills don't always increase at the same rate so maybe from a realism standpoint having staves give experience doesn't make sense, what happens is people rarely use them. Rather than use soul gems to charge your staff, a person is more likely to use a magicka potion because that will help them grind destruction faster. Or just run around until their magicka regens.
  12. So to make a mod that gives exp from staff usage all you'd need to do is change the skill multiplier for staves? Or is it more complicated than that? I know very little about the creation kit
  13. That's strange. I know you do get enchanting experience for recharging staves, but I assume that's not what you're talking about. As Patcazzo mentioned earlier, SPERG adds an option to gain experience from using staves. The author wouldn't have done that if that feature was already implemented. That actually brings me to another idea. Since enchanting already increases super quickly and is kind of overpowered, someone could change things so recharging weapons and staves gives destruction experience. I know that's not as good as getting the experience directly from using staves, but I'm guessing that's a much easier mod to make.
  14. Ok, I found another way to sort of do this. With Grimy Utilities you can set spells to be hotcast with any key. So you can set a destruction spell to be hotcast with the same keys for left and right hand. Then if you use a staff you'll also be casting a destruction spell and using the staff at the same time and getting experience. You will also be able to get experience this way by using scrolls. I'm setting my left hand healing spell and right hand destruction for example. You can adjust the cost and/or set a cooldown in the MCM to make it balanced.
  15. You can do it with this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36328/? You can even adjust the cost and/or set a cooldown to make it balanced.
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