I am doing my first ever playthrough and i have a bit of an issue. Im doing the "alduins bane" quest and i got to the part where i have to defeat Alduin using the dragonrend shout i just learned. I make him go down start hitting him and im doing almost no damage (no its not the invulnerability bug) . I use dragon rend as soon as he tries to fly off >> hit >>> and repeat . After doing it about 4 times in a row i managed to get him to about 65% and my steam finally ran out .About 60% of my health disappears with a single breath attack with me blocking(resistance perk included) , im using resist pots , magic reduc ring and necklase + the lord stone . I have about 350 hp and lets say 80%+ fire resistance(hell with everything adding up it should be maxed out) .I heal up but my mana disappers quickly and i spam pots. I have about 500 armor and his wing and tail attacks still destroy about 30-40% of my hp. Im using poisons , hp pots , dmg increase pots , stamina pots , i try to stay away from his head but nothing works . I watched a video where a person ended the fight in 1 min but after 3 min of non stop whaling at him i can barely get him to 70%. Im level 34 a warrior character, playing at expert difficulty , 1hand 95 , heavy armor 87 , block is around 70 . Guess it took me a while to get to the main quest. I've never had any issues with the difficulty so far. I'm using orcish level gear + skyforge steal sword all epic. I tried dual wielding and enchanted my weapons which i was saving for later on in the game but i die too quickly. I've done other quests and explored a lot and i didnt really find any epic end game items so i assumed that would happen as i go through the main quest. Any suggestions ?