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Everything posted by NicholasRaven01

  1. Thank you for the answer! I`ve seen first recomended mod, but unfortunately, as I understand, it goes horns-and-tail-and-wings with an outfit, but I`m looking for free-to-equip on will. Second one shood be tested.
  2. Hello! I`m a relatively new one on nexus, so if it`s wrong with the location or presentation - sorry:) I would like someone to create a BBB for this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/17897?tab=files if it`s possible, cause as I see, there are many requests with permissions. If it`s imposible, please, let me know down here. Except this, I lack wearable horns and tail, demon-like, in two separate items, or in one. Never posted anything here, so I feel a little uncomfortable. Had seached internet and nexus as well for anything similar, but I`ve failed. If there really IS realised my need, please give me the link. Thank you for attension!
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