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About LooperNagic

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  1. Am I the only one noticed that Actuated Frame of Mister Handy has lesser materials requirement than the default factory armor pieces? I can understand the default Mr. Handy Eye because it has +accuracy feature but the other pieces has nothing. The Actuated Frame has increased Carry Weight effect and does not require a perk. Yet, the factory armors has lower armor rating and has no other effect. Does anyone know the reason behind this?
  2. Hi! Are you familiar of how to have buildings such like Barns, Cabins and Greenhouse in Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon? My idea is the same, you buy prebuilt structures with materials. Basically if you have enough materials stored in the workshop, you can ask a settler to build structures like a set of houses, power source, walls, farms, stores/defenses (if you fulfilled the requirements). A loading screen and voila, prebuilt houses with decorations and furnitures, no need to decorate them or enter build mode. You can even pass the days to make it looks like your character built it with the settlers. If there is no settlers, you can just add an option (choice menu) to build a prebuilt structures directly to the workshop. For the quest related structures, you can just give the materials to the requester, or just add the structure option in the workshop or settler just for the quest once the requirements are fulfilled. Also, to make it easier for modder and player, make it sets, such as house sets for the whole settlement (not just one house per build). And make them upgradable just like in Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley; from wood structures to Covenant houses level; stores, defences (MK1 to MK7) and power/water sources too. If possible, entering the build mode is disabled in the game too. Why not just use SIM Settlement or Prebuilt mods? Why not just ignore the settlements? In SIM Settlement you still enter the build mod and decide where to put things. The objective of this mod is to free the player from building exhaustion and continue to their adventure, but still part of the Minutemen, encourage them to collect more and use materials, and they have more places to trade and rest. Much appreciate who will do this and thanks.
  3. What does not work? I used this mod years ago, and it works. __________________________________________________________________ I also want to add, please remove the AWKCR requirement & add an optional feature that scales settlers' level because not anyone uses BSs/Mortal Settlers. What does settlers' level has to do with this mod? Because giving them good equipment while being level 1-6 is pointless.
  4. Hi HeyYou, thanks for the mod suggestion. But the purpose of the mod I'm requesting is something that will save you from connecting long lines throughout the whole settlement.
  5. Please someone make a mod like this or something similar: Adds "Power Receiver" and "Power Output" to the workshop menu."Power Receiver" is where you connect all your Power Generator. Make it looks like a mini Power Substation or Feeder Pillar for a bit of immersion if you want."Power Output" is where you connect your switches, lights, turrets, etc. It will looks like for example: a car charging pillar or power pillar.This mod will make it looks like your settlement has underground power lines.Please add compatibility to Timer Power Switch (make it like the timer switch receive power directly to "Power Receiver" like the "Power Output").Please don't make it wireless. Why? Overhead power lines is immersive to FO4 but it cost a lot of materials, specially to large settlements like Sanctuary Hills and Spectacle Island.Overhead power lines doesn't look good on a clean built settlement.Saves time and easy to power things up.Puts all your generator to one place without making a lot of long power lines Why not wireless? A very wide wireless connection have a performance hit in the game, and freeze/CTD the game if accidentally moved.Doesn't have compatibility with the mod Timer Power Switch.I did not use existing wide wireless mods because I will still make long power lines for objects that needs it. English is not my first language and I have a few vocabulary, sorry if my words are repetitive. Thanks in advance for interested authors. :D
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