Edit: Ok, it seems I'm just dumb (or thick-fingered), because I figured out that the zoom 'journeyman reward' and the dodge one (from acrobatics) only work with the key block, not the right-click block (seems awfully clunky to me, anyone has a mod to suggest?) and that you have to tap both jump and block at the same time to dodge, instead of just blocking when you've begun your jump. So, yeah, I'm very sorry for spamming the forum >< -- Hi everyone! So I just leveled my marksman skill to 50, and was stoked to read that I'd be able to zoom in, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I (mostly) followed Astien's mod guide, added Ultimate Leveling and Map Marker Overhaul and also followed this optimization guide (I hand modified a clean ini file to get both guide's changes) No OR, and FOV in Oblivion.ini is already set to 75 Active Mod Files: Thanks for reading!