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About Kreyd

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    Xenogears, Fallout NV, Street Fighter A3

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  1. Hello, I'm looking for someone with talent who would be able to enhance some heads from the famous Bijin mod... I really like some of these charming face but they now look dated compared to High poly head. I'm willing to support the creator of course.
  2. When playing I scavange everything, I just can't help it and the crazy abudance of loot and weapon in Fallout 4 make you rich very fast. I play in Survival and with like 2 or 3 different compatible mods that reduce the loot : stimpack, chem, ammo etc. But in the end it won't reduce loot from the NPC I kill, and in Fallout 4 you KILL A LOT! (way too much imo but it's no the subject.) So i'm wondering if there is somekind of light mod, not too script heavy that manage to create an immersive money sink. I checked weapon or armor degradation mods and I was very surprised and finding almost nothing, while it would make a lot of sense to loot just killed NPC with damaged equipmement since we just shooted them. If half of the NPC equipment was broken I won't pick it up, even if the price if very low dependeing on the weight. Also with all the scrap, craft, workbench, in the game that are implemented why there is no "scrap armor", "scrap weapon" for a repair option? I think having to scrap loot to repair your equipment instead of selling those 10 pipegun make a lot more sense. This could also be a simple money sink that are provided by weapon merchant or on workbench, depending on the damage your equipment has taken you'll need to pay some caps to get it repaired. Anyway you get the idea, I'm just surprised and confused to see so many people playing in Survival, the amont of mods and option to customise it, while the money and loot in Fallout 4 after 10-15hours is a huge problem who seems yet to have been adressed.
  3. Any possibility to get ride of them or to mod companions? Classe, look, mute them etc? I just cant stand any of them, and I really can't play forward having a team of only unlikable characters who are all imposed to me from the start. I didn't found any mercernary feature either to replace them, so I'm wondering if there is any alternative.
  4. I was looking for the same thing, and noticed followers mods don't include that feature :/ I wish someone ported this mod it's so much better when you have your follower beside you and not in line behind.
  5. Thank you, i will check this mod and some other more in-deph. I really want to play Skyrim as a merc and with merc, but i have hard time bypassing the whole "chosen one" game design from Bethesda, and since it's my third playthough i really can't stand it anymore.
  6. Hello there! I like to add followers that roam a bit everywhere in my Skyrim... But I don't like that they will most of the time join us for nothing and risk their live after 15 second knowing our character. I was wondering if there is a Follower mod that "simulate" some kind of recruitement with a fee on registered follower(those without personal quest), and even with some kind of an affinity system. Since I like to pick different recruit acording to different mission/quest while playing.
  7. I'm curious to know the mod or tool you use to change/switch companion hairstyle :o I want this :
  8. Well i have the VATS freeze in survival, fml. Can't believe there is no fix yet, since the issue seem's to have been founded from the survival needs debuff. The solution to remove with a mods all needs really destroy the whole survival point -_-
  9. Hello, (im learning CK !) Im currently working on a mod, where almost everything is done except the trigger/scripting part that make the whole thing start... I made enemy NPC and a dungeon cell... To begin with i managed to trigger conversation start (thanks to Seddon tutorials), but at the end of this conversation i want the player, and the NPC to be teleported in the dungeon i have created(one big cell), i want the player to appear in a room(like he's awaking) and the 2 NPC will just sandbox elsewhere in the dungeon. I also look to how make the NPC draw their weapon during the conversation(before they get teleported), they don't look very menacing atm lol. I cant find any clear(step by step) Fallout 4 CK tutorial about script, Seddon did an incredible work for everything else, but i wish he goes more in deph on this.
  10. Lol, i had the exact same reaction when after creating a NPC and a conversation, i tried to make this NPC follow me into a cell... and "Oh boy" I never used anything close to scripting or papyrus etc And its overwehlming because its not user friendly AT ALL, it's imo the real step to modding and unfortunatly when you wan't to do something a bit elaborate it's a must path... atm im gathering information, but there is not much on Fallout 4 CK atm, some video tutorial will show you scripting but it's too fast forwarded... some guys generate a script function like it's nothing( cause he used to do this, its basic it's like another alphabet for him), he will explain you what his function will do but not WHY and HOW exactly. I found this : https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Actor_Script I don't know how i can use those function yet exactly, but they are common archetype so i may found a function that do what im looking for. Skyrim CK tutorial seem's to be the place to learn scripting from the very basics : http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/4697-class-1-start-here-for-basics/ Modding is very interesting and fascinating but i wish the whole script "thing" was more user friendly, i understand why people get unmotivated when this step need to be crossed
  11. Nice ! finally someone is going to convert this awesome armor. Those hands are scary xD Can't wait to use this on ADA
  12. Heather look cool and seem's to be the most complete companion, but im sorry she's way too sweet, she's some kind of Lara Croft, nothing close to a girl like Jack From Mass Effect for exemple... Thanks for the link, but my issues about girl companion is much more about the attitude than the look, the nexux mod community is indeed full of mods appearance to create any kind of woman, but if they all talk and act like cheerleaders it makes no sense :/
  13. Hey Beside Vex wich is cool but overpowered and with very few line, i was wondering if someone can point me to a good female companion mod (stand alone or in a quest mod) I have hard time finding what im looking for : a girl that like to blast things, who talk mature, could use drugs, and without a stupid sugar/honey romance Something like Cait but in a more cold and harsh way, we can agree Cait is a really really soft "raider" in the end. Im looking for a female alter ego of our lone survivor and maybe more "alpha", because after playing The Witcher III i was astonished how woman were so well represented, strong minded and so quick-witted/edgy in their dialogue.
  14. Some very nice sample, thanks for helping modding community with your talent.
  15. This would be really cool ! specialy for ADa, Curie and all other robot/android NPC in fallout 4 Wish we could have this armor as robot part or just armor parts... Someone already convert it for Skyrim : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67563/? anyboxy talented enought to do it for Fallout 4 ? I really have no clue what knowedge are required to port this from Skyrim to Fallout 4
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