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Everything posted by Spartacus2211
Dear modding community! Let us share our ideas, prompts, tools and experiences of modding with the use of AI here. Have you ever tried prompting an AI to help you develop code for a new mod? Was it successful? Any ideas for setting up an RAG for TES-games? When, where and how? Any modding tools or already copy-paste-ready prompts for specific mods/modtypes ... , which enable AIs to create useful outputs, which need only little corrections? I am thinking of creating huge textfiles with lots of code from existing mods and feed AIs with them. The aim is to make AIs better assistants when it comes to creating mods (esp. the script-stuff). I am thinking of using a tool like this one to create several textfiles of MWSE mods and their corresponding OpenMW translations to teach AIs those things, bc right now only good programmers are able to do that kind of stuff. But we have AI and they're "free", so we should use this tool together to improve our and everyone's joy and comfort. When posting prompts online you must beware of one thing: Never ever share someone else's code without having their explicit permission for doing so! I don't mean you shall not feed AIs with code, but if you post your propmts somewhere online, where people can read them, you must be aware that you are spreading someone else's property and you can be held responsible for this. AIs are no human beings, so it should be totally fine to feed them with whatever code you like. But when you post an important part of code from a mod in a forum, you better be sure to be allowed doing so. Here is a big thread, which is meant to link similar game specific threads like this one here in the future for many games.
- AI
- AI-Training
(and 1 more)
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Dear community! Does anybody know a way how to disable or reduce vanilla shaders of skyrim? Is it safe to just delete some of the shaders manally from the game folder, or would this harm the game? Is it possible to create a (SKSE-)mod, which tells the game to not use (some) shaders? Console commands like teofis would be appreciated. I will be using DXVK. So if anyone is fit enough with this, I would also be glad about any tips in this direction. DXVK has some settings, which can be configured, but I don't know much about this stuff (except the activation of triplebuffering* helps old Bethesda games A LOT to achieve smooth FPS with deactivated V-Sync) d3d9.tearFree = true *d3d9.numBackBuffers = 3 Haven't tried this in Skyrim yet, just wanted to mention it. But my question is not about all the already existing stuff to increase performance of the game, I want Oldrim to use less GPU for effects by default, since GPUs are the bottleneck to many systems. If Oldrim looks like Oldblivion, I wouldn't care. I want smooth FPS without my notebook's graphic chip to get molten within 1 or 2 years. edit 02.08.2023: Problems lead to solutions. I didn't find a way to do that, but I created a mod to reduce stress on the hardware ('increase performance') by disabling spell- and projectile-lights of all kinds. -> Spells emit no Lights - Performance Potato Mod
Boss enemies from mods don't spawn anymore
Spartacus2211 replied to Spartacus2211's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I can imagine, that this has to do with bash patching. Just a feeling. I have a similar problem in Fallout New Vegas, where some mod-added headhunting NPCs should spawn every now and then, instead they spawn all together at the start of the game outside in Goodsprings. -
Boss enemies from mods don't spawn anymore
Spartacus2211 replied to Spartacus2211's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I accidentally found, where the boss-NPCs from Arcturus spawn: All of them spawn at the same time in the same cell, namely the palace-cell from the last thieves-guild-quest. After entering the ayleid-ruin-door, which was opened by a special key-arrow, the PC enters the heavily guarded palace-area from where on the PC must find the library. In this cell all of the boss-NPCs from Arcturus spawn. No idea, what's going on. -
Boss enemies from mods don't spawn anymore
Spartacus2211 replied to Spartacus2211's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
No, actually my last reply was only a reply to your first reply. The problem are no respawn timers. The problem is, that boss NPCs do not spawn anymore, since some time ago. I use my respawntimer of 23 since I played Oblivion for the first time. This setting never had the effect of disappearing bosses. -
Change Oblivions way to calculate damage
Spartacus2211 replied to Spartacus2211's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Thank you, qwertyasdfgh! Unfortunately incompatible with Ultimate Leveling! So I wrote Maskar in the comments to his Ultimate Leveling Mod, even if nothing will happen. I also described there my thoughts, how I could work around this somehow. (lowering skill + attribute gains per level and also lowering NPC-Health) -
Boss enemies from mods don't spawn anymore
Spartacus2211 replied to Spartacus2211's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I have the GMST iHoursToRespawnCell set to 23. Your question implies, that it is possible to set the respawn time for 1 specific cell. I didn*t know, that this is possible. -
Dear community! I am playing Arcturus and Master Quest Dungeon. I played them before together with MOO (which is the lowest mod in my load-order), everything was fine. But in my last playthroughs the boss-creatures and boss-NPCs from those two mods won't spawn anymore. First I thought this may happen because I changed the value MOO.ini_levelscaling_actors from 0 to 1 in the Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini. This was my guess because the description of this setting says, it replaces vanilla NPCs and creatures with MOO ones. There is another setting for level-overrides, but I do not guess, that this causes other mods bosses to not spawn, but I'm not sure. I changed it back to 0, as I had it earlier. I loaded my save, went in another cell, waited 24h (my cell- und shop-inventory-respawn-time is 23h), came back to where the mod bosses should spawn, but nothing was there. I still believe that my guess of the expected .ini-setting is true, but maybe this change only takes effect in a new game? What do you believe may be the cause of my Bosses from Arcturus and Master Quest Dungeon not spawning? IIRC the description of Arcturus says, that the PC must have a high level, before entering the dungeon, otherwise the bosses won't spawn. In my last playthroughs my PCs had a level of ~40-60 and this time almost 80. So this cannot be the reason. Plus the boss from Master Quest Dungeon also does not spawn, and there was no mention of a certain player-level for the boss-spawn. Plus the setting MOO.ini_iLevCreaLevelDifferenceMax in the Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini is set to 100, which means everything should be able to spawn, no matter the level.
Dear community! I don't mean a modification, which changes the damage-formula. Such a mod already exists. One must simply edit the script to ones liking and that's it. I mean something different: Is it possible to tell Oblivion (via xOBSE e.g.) to use skilllevels above 100 for the damage calculation? The UESP says, that Oblivion only counts them until they reach 100, but if you play like me with Ultimate Leveling one is not satisfied with this calculation. I also thought about decreasing leveling speed / attribute / skills points per level, but I don't want to have Lvl 20 stats when I'm already Lvl 40, or play forever with low-level equipment, because I will never reach Lvl 50, because it takes so long. I am satisfied with my actual leveling speed and game difficulty as it is. I only want to gain more power on higher levels without using godlike poisons or enchantments/conduits. I want my weapons to do the damage by leveling my skills to 200 (253 is the engines cap, as far as I remember).
Instant magic effects with DarNified UI installed
Spartacus2211 replied to Spartacus2211's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Now I've tried Madspellz as well, but like for others in the comments there, it didn't work on my end either. Edit: Even after uninstalling SupremeMagickaLite it didn't work. Neither my healing spell, nor the fire-effect. I also tried adding a second spell effect, which has a duration of 1sec, because the description of Madspellz suggested so, but still, the mod gave me the same warning and didn't do, what it should. After clicking on Accept it gives the error. -
Dear community! Can anyone please tell me, how the minimum duration while spellmaking and enchanting can be set to 0, when DarNified UI is installed, like this mod did for vanilla UI menu-files? I don't know which lines must be edited. I compared the original and the modded files for hours to see, what is different and likely to be the desired setting, but nothing changed ingame, when I edited some values. edit: I had this and that mod in eye, but SupremeMagicka seems to reverse the (scripted) effects, these mods use. And I play with SM, so they won't be of use for me. Madspellz would be another option, but since I have to type text stuff mid game to use this, I backed off by now. I want a simple UI-menu-edit solution for this.
Thanks for your reply. Where do you see sarcasm? All I wrote was serious. It took me only 5min (approximately) to edit the staffweights of MOO by hand some days ago, if that's what you mean. Maybe it was 7min, I didn*t watch the clock. In xEdit it's just scrolling and typing in every column at the same place the same number. For the New Vegas Mod AWOP I set for most of NPCs (~all except Tech Raiders) the respawn-flag in xEdit in about 15min. Back then I watched the clock, so I certainly know. If you mean the pic I posted on AFKMods, I am really surprised how fast it was implemented. Since everyone is working on this modding stuff for free and I have no idea of programming, for me this is a great and very appreciated service.
This feature is now part of Wrye Bash. Quote from Infernio: "The new nightly build (311.202301110833) has the tweaks. There are two (Attack Speed: Staves (Maximum) and Attack Speed: Staves (Minimum)), though you probably only need the maximum one. They're available for Oblivion and Skyrim." https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/4966-wrye-bash-all-games/&do=findComment&comment=187275
Wow I didn't expect such a fast reaction there! The next nightly build of Wrye Bash will contain this feature! https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/4966-wrye-bash-all-games/&do=findComment&comment=187266 Still I would enjoy to use a console command for this as well, so testing of various staffspeeds can be done faster PLUS once I will find my preferred staffattackspeed I will have to edit the Staffs from MOO by hand, which is a work of 5min, but still I will have to do it in xEdit by hand, since MOO should be placed below the BP to fully work, according to the popup-message in-game.
Dear community! I want to run a script/console command on every game-start-up, which sets the staff-attack-speed for all staffs to a fixed value. I haven't tried myself yet, which number is ideal, but I guess something between 1.2 and 2.0. Does anyone know, how such a script/console command would have to look like? Could you please post it here and explain, how and where to put it, or link to a page, where this has been already done? Thank you in advance! edit: Actually this must be really easy for Wrye Bash to add this option, since it already has the option to reweigh all staffs. Attack-speed is just another plain number of these items, that can be changed that way. I will suggest them as well. ----- SOLVED ------ 1. This feature became part of Wrye Bashs Bashed Patch Tweaks since the nightly build 311.202301110833. (You can download WIP builds of Wrye Bash here at the end of the second posting.) 2. qertyasdfgh posted a script below.
Thanks again. This time I tried to rebuild the patch while disabling SupremeMagickaLite in every Merge-option in WryeBash after each crash one by one. It turns out that the Error-message stays the same, even if it says it is busy with "Importing" stuff, where SupremeMagickaLite is not even included. Then I read the more detailed error-message from Wrye Bashs Traceback-message, which appears everytime, when an error-message was closed. The message was always the same, even wehen I reenabled SupremeMagickaLite. The last two lines of the message are: ' File "bash\patcher\patchers\multitweak_assorted.py", line 395, in wants_record TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'float' ' It looks like, what you said: Wrye Bash Problem. But the thing is, before I updated xOBSE and Wrye Bash everything worked fine (some months passed since I played this game last time). After updating xOBSE the game crashed, when an old bashed patch was activated. After updating Wrye Bash the Bashed Patch couldn't be regenerated again. I wanted to link this thread now on github for the WryeBash developers. There a message told me to first try out the latest WIP build which can be found here in the second posting (Dropbox-link on the end of the posting: https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/4966-wrye-bash-all-games/) I installed this pre-release-version (0.311 is not finally released yet), disabled the mod 'Oblivion DLC Delayers' and finally everything works! Rebuilding the patch first didn't work, but the error-message was longer this time. Quote from Wrye Bashs error traceback: mod_files.py 205 load_plugin: Error in reflect_and_chameleon_begone_1.1.esp Traceback (most recent call last): File "bash\mod_files.py", line 180, in load_plugin File "bash\brec\record_groups.py", line 645, in __init__ File "bash\brec\record_groups.py", line 241, in __init__ File "bash\brec\record_groups.py", line 170, in __init__ File "bash\brec\record_groups.py", line 47, in __init__ File "bash\brec\record_groups.py", line 252, in _load_rec_group File "bash\brec\record_groups.py", line 263, in _group_element File "bash\brec\common_records.py", line 385, in __init__ File "bash\brec\record_structs.py", line 512, in __init__ File "bash\brec\record_structs.py", line 326, in __init__ File "bash\game\oblivion\records.py", line 183, in loadData TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int' patch_files.py 329 scanLoadMods: MERGE/SCAN ERROR: Oblivion DLC Delayers.esp Traceback (most recent call last): File "bash\patcher\patch_files.py", line 312, in scanLoadMods File "bash\patcher\patch_files.py", line 344, in mergeModFile File "bash\brec\record_groups.py", line 332, in merge_records File "bash\brec\record_groups.py", line 141, in _has_missing_masters AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'issuperset' patcher_dialog.py 273 _error: Exception during Bashed Patch building: Traceback (most recent call last): File "bash\basher\patcher_dialog.py", line 170, in PatchExecute File "bash\patcher\patch_files.py", line 312, in scanLoadMods File "bash\patcher\patch_files.py", line 344, in mergeModFile File "bash\brec\record_groups.py", line 332, in merge_records File "bash\brec\record_groups.py", line 141, in _has_missing_masters AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'issuperset' I descided to disable the mod Oblivion DLC Delayers from being merged into the bashed patch and finally everything works. Rebuilding the patch, starting a game, no chrashes. ---------SOLVED-------- edited first posting of this thread.
Thanks, but no. Neither CS nor xEdit show errors or conflicts because of this mod. And of course I will not downgrade xOBSE or Wrye Bash. This mod is not that important to me, to downgrade those two highly important tools, which are developed further.
Dear community! After updating my xOBSE and Wrye Bash my Wrye Bash cannot create a Bashed Patch anymore. The concrete error warning says: 'Bashed Patch Error, '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'float'.' It occurs after 58sec. when it is 'Importing Effect Stats'. The only checkable and checked mod under 'Import Effect Stats' is 'SupremeMagickaLite'. This means there must be some problems (typos) in a script or similar. I have no idea, how I should deal with this problem in the easiest way, since I am not a scripter. I know how to open and edit scripts in CS and in Notepad++, but I don't know the scripting language, so I also don't know, how and where to find the problem. I wanted to start a new game anyhow, so it would be probably easier for me to just stop using SupremeMagickaLite (which is not on the Nexus anymore) and use Supreme Magicka Update instead, but I wanted to keep the old lite-version of this mod. What would you suggest me to do? Does anyone know, how to solve the problem without dropping SupremeMagickaLite out of my load order? Appendix How Problems started occuring: Before updating Wrye Bash I only updated xOBSE, but this lead to a crash after the logo-videos have been played on game start up. Upon disabling the Bashed patch (rebuilding the patch and solving conflicts in xEdit didn't help) I could start the game normally without crash. This lead to the conclusion that there must be some serious problem in a mod or Wrye Bash needs to be updated since xOBSE was updated as well. So I updated WB and finally rebuilding the Bashed Patch gave me the above mentioned error warning message. -----SOLVED------- - Updating Wrye Bash to a pre-release-version from here (dropbox-link at the bottom of 2nd posting) as suggested on Wrye Bashs github-page - and disabling the mod 'Oblivion DLC Delayers' from being merged into the bashed patch finally solved the problem.
Thanks Rasikko. So the functions under entry points always use the BaseActorValue, when the actor value multiplier says Magicka/Health/Stamina. So in that example (see picture) the spell magnitude won't increase if the actor is putting on enchanted gear, which gives him bonuses to maximum magicka, right?
Hello community! What type of Magicka-value is used, if a Perk Entry Point uses Actor Value Multipliers like this one: Is it - Base Magicka - Total Magicka (Base Magicka + Bonuses from Enchantments etc.) or - the Magicka value, the actor currently has (0 - Total Magicka) ? I want to create a perk, that uses Base Magicka dynamically, not fixed values by making 100s of conditions (I already did this for another mod and it's not worth the effort in my eyes). How would you make such perk entries for each of the three different Magicka-Values, when they should be called dynamically by the game (like it is the case, when a Perk uses Actor Value Multipliers)?
SOLVED! The problem was the 'Priority'. Quote: 'Priority: Used to control order of operations when two perk entries affect the same value. Perks with a higher priority (higher number) take precedence.' https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Perk The Armsman, Barbarian etc. perks all have the priority 0. My new perks also had priority 0, which means, they confuse each other. In the last hour I tried various orders, how I took my perks (skill level 100, enchanted gear, .. same as above, only the order in which I took the perks was different every trial) Result: Various numbers, no clear repetitive damage output Solution: I set the Priority of my new perks to 1 instead of 0. Now it works as it should. Tried different orders of perk-taking ingame, always same damage output, order did not matter. --> Works! I'm going to clean and improve my mod now and then I'm going to release it.
Thank you npdogg! So what could you recommend me to do, to get my additional damage perks working, except "just taking them, when your char already has all ranks of armsman"? Is there another way to get this working, so the order in which perks are taken won't matter? By now it seems to me, the easiest idea would be the following: I make it so, that the Mastery perks can only be chosen, after the 5th rank of armsman is received. That way it seems to work already ingame. What I don't understand: If only one entry point of the same type (e.g. 'Mod Attack Damage') can be applied, why is it, that the damage output is correct, when I take the 5 armsman perks before and my mastery perks after, but not the other way around? Why don't my mastery perks overwrite the first 5 ranks of armsman? I mean I had a damage output of 190- or 200-something, before I installed my new mastery perks, then I took my mastery perks and the applied damage stacked, as it was intended: a blunt number (1st rank: +20, 2nd rank: +40) was applied, seemingly without overwriting the additional damage from armsman perks.
------------------------------------------- Update 22.06.2019: PROBLEM SOLVED! See this post below: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7753268-new-damage-perk-seems-to-cause-stacking-problem-wrong-damage-output/&do=findComment&comment=71134313 ------------------------------------------- Hello dear community! ------------ Short Version ------------ I've created new perks, which add absolute damage bonus to weapons (Entry Point: 'Mod Attack Damage' , Function: 'Add Value'). They seem to work as intended, but when I play my char, which has these perks and take one of the armsman perks AFTER my new perks, the shown damage of the weapon in inventory drops, instead of rising and I have no idea why this happens. ------------ Long Version ------------ 1. My questions: Is the damage output affected by the order, in which perks have been taken ingame? Does a different order, in which perks are taken, lead to a different damage output? If yes, how can I deal with that, to get correct damage output? Which edits do I have to make to my selfmade perks, so they don't mess up damage output? If no, why does it seem to be so on my end? 2. Details: 2.1 prehistory of the prehistory --> self-made stuff working correct Some weeks ago I created new ranks of the armsman-, barbarian- and overdraw-perks, each new rank doing additional 5% damage. After chosing ingame my new perks, they messed up the damage output completly, they seem to double the damage, which was the actual damage with all applied bonuses from previous perks and gear. I solved this problem. The numbers and formulas were correct, but I didn't know before, that I need to add a condition to the new perks: The missing condition was to take away the perk, when the next rank of this perk was chosen ingame. (Window 'Perk Owner' / Condition Function: HasPerk <nextPerkRank> == 0 ) After adding this condition to my new perks, they seem to work correctly, as the vanilla perks do. Correct damage output ingame. So far, so good. 2.2 prehistory --> additional self-made stuff working (semi-?)correct Now I've created new perks. I called them Mastery perks. They don't need previous perks, they can be chosen when a certain skill requirement is met. All that these Mastery perks do, is modifieing attack damage of certain weapon types. The function is "Add Value", not "Multiply Value", so they just add a fixed number of damage. I chose to do so, because my experience from the prehistory above showed me, that multipliers from different perks stack, which would lead to a similar outcome as before (inadequate damage output or the need of a hundred conditions like "different numbers, when player has different perks...") I installed these perks and loaded a save, where I have a character, which has one-handed 103, Armsman rank 5 and enchanted gear with fortify one-handed. The new perks can be selected ingame (position and display in perk-menu is correct) and in the beginning they seemed to work as intended. After taking the first mastery perk, the damage of the affected weapontype increased by the same number, which i wrote in the creation kit under "Add Value" before. After taking the second perk rank of this mastery, the affected weapontype again gained the correct amount of damage, as it was intended. Putting enchanted gear off and putting it on again, caused no inconsistencies. 2.3 problem --> stuff not working as intended So I have a char with 103 one-handed, Armsman 5, enchanted gear and my new mastery perks (2 ranks). Now I took the next rank of armsman, rank 6. This should give my char 5% damage bonus in one-handed. As mentioned in the prehistory of the prehistory, the additional ranks of armsman, barbarian and overdraw work as intended (proven in older gameplays), so the additional 5% should be applied correctly to my char. But instead of increasing the damage, rank 6 of armsman now decreased my chars damage. Saving and reloading changed nothing. 2.4 numbers: Sword has base damage of 14, tempered to exquisite quality One-Handed Skill: 103 (or 104...) --> 50-something% damage bonus 5th rank of armsman: 100% damage bonus 7 pieces of gear with fortify one-handed by 20% --> 140% damage bonus from gear 2nd rank of sword mastery adds 40 damage with swords (Function: Add Value) Seeker of Might: 10% damage bonus --> Shown sword-damage ingame in the inventory: 243 after taking the 6th rank of armsman: One-Handed Skill: 103 (or 104...) --> 50-something% damage bonus 6th rank of armsman: 105% damage bonus 7 pieces of gear with fortify one-handed by 20% --> 140% damage bonus from gear 2nd rank of sword mastery adds 40 damage with swords (Function: Add Value) Seeker of Might: 10% damage bonus --> Shown sword-damage ingame in the inventory: 207 3. Thoughts and conclusion I checked the new ranks of armsman in the creation kit again, and everything seems to be fine there. I guess the problem is caused by the interaction of the newly added mastery perks and the armsman perks and I believe, that this has to do with the order, in which I took these perks. So I believe the damage output would be different, if I had chosen the perks in a different order, but I haven't tested this by now. Possibly the solution to my problem will be simply a different 'Function' under 'Entry Point' in the 'Perk'-window of my newly created mastery perks, but I don't know which function I should take, and I don't want to try them all out. Does anyone have an idea, how I can solve this problem (incorrect damage output)?