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About Zuperbuu

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    Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Minecraft, Saints Row, GTA, Spore

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  1. I've been using this build of SKyrim for 2 years now, running SKSE and NMM, and moved to MO in the past 3 months. I haven't downloaded any new mods or updated mods since. Suddenly my game scripts started to crawl, so I started a new game in belief it was savegame bloat; the script lag remained though. So I browsed the web for any help and found tweaking the Skyrim INI papyrus section helped scripts run at the expense of FPS, so I applied the tweaks someone recommended. When I started Skyrim through MO all seemed normal, but then when I approached an NPC to start a quest Defender flagged up saying it had detected Trojan:Win32/ (I cannot remember the entire name, I deleted it ASAP). I then played the game again and everything seemed fine until I encountered a crash that kept reappearing, so I validated Steams skyrim files and it said 6 were missing, so it reapplied them and the crashing suddenly stopped...I am thinking that Defender flagged some files from skyrim but then why was I able to run the game when usually it detects .exe's as trojans and Skyrim should only have one? To be on the safe side I ran a scan on Defender and malwarebytes, neither detected anything. Was this a false positive? I find it odd that Defender suddenly flagged up like this when I didn't download anything...
  2. Before I get into anything: Yes, I have installed FNIS and its dependencies, and ran GenerateFNISForUsers. I reinstalled Skyrim recently to a new computer and started re-downloading my favourite mods and updating them to the newest versions, I even migrated to using Mod Organiser since on my old rig people constantly told me to start using it instead of doing it manually. Once I got to installing FNIS PCEA2 things seemed fine; I tested my game after every mod I installed just to be on the safe side, and everyone was animating. Then I installed RS Children Overhaul and suddenly all the children stood in their default "T" positions, even after I ran GenerateFNISForUsers, so I reinstalled RS Children again and suddenly they worked...then the Old People started doing the T Pose instead, they could be spoken to and their face fully animates, it is just the bodies that don't. I know everyone and everything except the old people use the new animations I have installed, plus any original ones as well. I don't understand why RS Children would cause this since it doesn't even modify the Elder People Race, so I am at a loss. Here are a few things I have already tried: Reinstalling RS Children (again). Reinstalling all animation mods one by one and GenerateFNISForUsers each time. Getting Steam to verify the games cache/files, it always detects something as missing and says it fixes it. FNIS does not display any warnings or consistency issues when prompted to do so. I have made sure to test my game immediately after verifying the games files, but the old people are still broken.
  3. I'm using a lovely worldspace overhaul mod (ArceeQ's Tropical Skyrim) but the night blocks out the stars and moon with its darkness, which is not how things should look. I also use a custom sky texture for night which looked great before I switched to Tropical mod, so it wasn't the other sky mod since it just altered the texture and not the lighting. I want to fix this mod and I am trying to do it on my own, but the guides don't provide information on handling the lighting in the exterior worldspace when it comes to the sky. In short: the mod I am using blacks out the night sky and I want to fix it so I can see the stars and moons clearly again. How do I do this in the CK?
  4. I'm trying to add the Khajiit Plantigrade feet from this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16976/? To the Dagi-Raht, here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60404/? I managed to alter the path of the feet mesh in TES5Edit, so the Dagi-Raht have the beast feet when not wearing shoes, but they just use the main body textures of the Dagi which look terrible on the feet. They also do not use the altered shoes/boots/armour meshes that come with the beast feet. So I have tried in CK as well to add them, using this method: (around 8:25 in the video) The problem when using this method is that no matter what I do, the feet continue to just use the body skin. I tried creating a new SkinBodyFemale/Male but when it comes to assigning them to the feet it does nothing. using the CK also has not allowed the Dagi to use the feet and they just disappear. Here is how the feet look, as you can see, it is just wrapping the default Dagi body texture around it instead of using the one that came with the feet. EDIT: Put image in spoilertags. Is there a way to make the feet recognise its own textures instead of using the main body one? EDIT: I still haven't found a solution to this, and I have asked on various forums for even the slightest bit of help getting rh textures right, but nothing. Abandoning the project because I can't get the help I need to finish it.
  5. I've tried everything mentioned in this topic and I still can't get above 18FPS with a fresh install of skyrim with 0 mods at all, on medium. My laptop isn't old or that bad either, it should at least reach 25FPS. On very specific occasions (inside towns like Whiterun and Windhelm) my FPS drops to 5! But outside and around towns in the world (like Morthal or Winterhold) I do not have this problem unless I go inside a building and then come outside. My loading screens are insanely fast because this laptop is actually good compared to my old one; loading screens barely stay on the screen longer than 4 seconds before I am at my new destination, and I get no lag at all using menus. I occasionally get save-game loading crashes, but my game itself never crashes during play. EDIT: Lowering my graphics to low has minor increase in FPS, but it does not seem right for my machine to struggle on medium when it can handle far more taxing games without graphical hindrances. My game automatically is set to high as well whenever Skyrim detects my graphics card; having it set on high yields the same FPS as medium with no visible difference. Here are my specs: HP Pavilion Notebook - 15-p157na (ENERGY STAR) Intel Core i5 Intel Iris Graphics 5100 8GB RAM Windows 8.1 64bit
  6. Do you have any mods that alter the environment, NPCs or questlines? Because once you leave Riverwood several differnt NPC events trigger. One as you head down the hill towards Honningbrew (Imperial patrol) and another outside Whiterun Stables (the Companions). If you crash each time when you reach a certain spot like these then it is highly likely an incorrectly installed file (by the game) or a broken mod.
  7. They have done this method already and it has not worked. I have issues with savegames all the time and have found no fix for it either and I use a secure 6 autosave and 3 manual-save method...and most times 7 of the 9 saves will not work. There is a serious problem with the way Skyrim saves its data, and so far nobody knows (or cares) how to fix it properly. I hate to be a useless replier to your problem rickard, but I suffer from save-game mess-ups every single day and honestly all I can advise you to do is make multiple saves and back-up any previous ones that you confirm worked. I just this minute suffered a fatal 9/9 save error and lost all of them and had to revert to a save I made yesterday which lost 8+ hours of progress.
  8. To be safe I turned Windows and Apple updates off since I use to get them too much, thanks for the heads up on that one. My virus scanner still runs at a scheduled time so I will be careful using my game whenever it runs. EDIT: Even after being careful not to play during any updates or virus scanning, I still keep getting CTD on loading up a manually saved game. Autosaves work fine. I've also noticed Wrye Bash is NOT making backups of my saves when I use the backup feature, and I have to do it manually. Any further help please?
  9. I haven't uninstalled any mods, not installed any new mods for a few days, loaded up my game a half dozen times perfectly fine, but now all of a sudden my savegames keep crashing when I try to load them. -I've made backup's of the character in 3 different locations in Skyrim (2 outdoors, one indoors) and they all crash without warning. (One of the autosaves works ok for some reason, and it was in the same location as the outdoor saves, so it makes no sense.) -I've used LOOT to set up my load-order, cleaned any mods it suggested with Tes5Edit and run Wrye Bash and created a bashed patch. -I run the latest version of Skyrim (patched both with official and unofficial patches). -SKSE and all my mods are completely up-to-date. (I checked them all before I posted this topic.) -Skyrim and all my mods are found in the default Steam directory. I install my mods with NMM, or manually if the creator says so (I modded Obivion heavily back in the day so I am experienced doing manual installations. All mods run fine.) -My machine is a HP Pavilion Laptop, running on Windows 8.1 with 8GB RAM and an Intel i5 Processor, Iris HD Graphics. All drivers are up-to-date. I run the game on Medium Graphics with no performance loss. -All the saves are 8.6mb so they aren't bloated (I have finished a lot of quests and hoarded a lot of stuff.) I do not yet own any DLC. This isn't a new issue, I have had this happen before back when all I had installed was Frostfall and it's requirements. My autosaves have been saving me from losing everything, but I am getting tired of running the risk of someday finding they won't anymore. Upon checking the save section on Bash, all of my saves are purple which from what I read means they are in sync with my load-order and I shouldn't have any issues. I double-checked this in the mods-list in the saves and it all matches...so why am I getting this problem? Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Well now, I use this mod see, HDT Tails , but the author of the mod only listed the items as "equip" like armour or weapons. So, when I am sent to jail, my tail is removed and stuffed into the prisoner belonging chest; if it were a real tail, then ouch! Anyway, I find it stupid that items under the tail slot like this can be removed by the guards. I'm looking for a mod or some console-command related trick I can use to prevent the guards from forcibly removing my tail (I would like to keep it on at all times, even when I am stripped to nude the tail remains on me; it is only when I am sent to jail that it goes!) NOTE: This is more of a "mod-patch" request than a new mod altogether, any help would be appreciated. (I am not skilled using Creation Kit and have no knowledge in programming/scripting, so if I can make a patch for this mod myself I will need a lot of assistance. Thanks!)
  11. I've installed the unofficial patch and the issues still continue to happen. Thanks for the suggestion though, it probably fixed some other bugs I have. I've also used Wrye Bash to make a patch, cleaned the "dirty" Update.esm with TES5Edit, but the problem persists. I have not had one incident of spawning INSIDE the correct interior when the PC "wakes up", they always spawn outside of it. FIXED: This glitch seems to be common with certain settings on Death Alternative; the image provided in that post shows exactly the issues I have, but it also affects Frostfall "passing Out". Turning "Bleedout" to "Ragdoll" or "Bleedout and Ragdoll" fixes the issues in regards to DA, but the Frostfall version of the glitch still happens on occasion, just not as much.
  12. This is a strange bug I keep having whilst using Frostfall and Alternative Death; when the PC "wakes up" they should be somewhere, but I have always found them to be falling infinitely in a void outside of the interior cell they should have been in. Example A: The PC is supposed to be arrested and taken to Cidhna mine after "Forsworn Conspiracy", but if they are arrested after bleeding out in Alternative Death, they clearly spawn inside a prison cell area since they wear ragged clothing and I can hear people mining. I have tried to use the console to toggle collision so I can find my way back to the interior, but I cannot see anything but the PC and this void of grey. Example B: The PC freezes outside in Frostfall and a dialogue box appears saying they have been rescued and taken somewhere; I hear the usual music one would hear at an Inn interior, but again the PC wakes up and just falls in place in this void once more. -I have tried playing with only one of these mods active at once; the issue still happens on BOTH. -Sleeping and waking up in vanilla game are not affected. Dark Brotherhood quest still has the PC spawn where they should. -I used a clean save with only Frostfall and Alternative Death installed, the issue still happens. -I do not own any DLC yet. -I use no other mods that alter cells or repositioning of the player. -The game is fully patched and has fully up-to-date SKSE and SkyUI. -All required mods to make Frostfall and Alternative Death work are fully installed. -I do not have the Unofficial patch. I have no other game glitches so never considered getting the unofficial patch unless absolutely necessary; both mods don't mention the unofficial patch being a requirement so I didn't grab it anyway. Would the unofficial patch solve this? If not, what might? Thanks for reading and I hope someone can help me, I want to enjoy both of these mods to the fullest!
  13. Greetings. I possess a mod that adds a spot to The Great Forest called 'Mephala's Grove' which has a hidden doorway leading to a place known as the 'Dreadful Undergound'. Inside is a Dark Brotherhood-looking door, leading the the 'Bowels of the Sanitarium'. I cannot enter the door as it asks a riddle that my character cannot yet answer. I also have a Fort of some kind right next to the Imperial City, again, that I cannot enter for some reason. Anyone know the names of these two mods? I require the name to refind the readme so I can make use of them both Thanks.
  14. Greetings. I possess a mod that adds a spot to The Great Forest called 'Mephala's Grove' which has a hidden doorway leading to a place known as the 'Dreadful Undergound'. Inside is a Dark Brotherhood-looking door, leading the the 'Bowels of the Sanitarium'. I cannot enter the door as it asks a riddle that my character cannot yet answer. I also have a Fort of some kind right next to the Imperial City, again, that I cannot enter for some reason. Anyone know the names of these two mods? I require the name to refind the readme so I can make use of them both Thanks..
  15. Hey I recently modded my own custom race (as seen in profile picture, i got it to work before) but once I saved the updates the whole race has lost it's hair and eyes. I made the mod dependant on the Ainmhi (cat-like person) race, as the hair and eyes are from that mod, so I was wondering how I can fix the suddenly missing hair and eyes in my race? Would I need to ESMify my Customrace.esp or the Ainmhi.esp? How would I get the hair from the Ainmhi.esp into Customrace.esp again? Thanks and sorry if this sounds confusing.
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