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Posts posted by Johnnyawesome06

  1. so i went through the prologue the other day and it was night! at first i thought it was thanks to darker nights or some other mod in my list, but i replayed on a new save just to see that it was fixed, or at least not happening i know its nothing important, but i would love to figure out how to make the prologue night again, I'm sure there's a console command for it....


    i know its silly, but thy way how the npcs have flash lights and stuff look really cool at night...

  2. i couldn't help but notice the lack of a search light or a spot light on vertibirds, this surprised me to find there is ZERO mods that aim to fix this, in vanilla the night is basically unnoticeable but man would a vertibird with a spotlight be cool! at least for the darker nighst mod, just snap a main game light on it! seems simple and it would be epic!



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