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Everything posted by dndln

  1. Okay, so managed to fix the bug by reinstalling almost every "landscape" texture mod. ^^" So seems like it really came down to messed up meshes. Thanks for the tip. :)
  2. I didn't use any Oldrim mods, but now that you mention it, I actually ran SSE Nif Optimizer yesterday and it crashed halfway through the process. Maybe it corrupted some meshes with that? I'm running it again right now, but it takes a whole lot of time... NVIDIA GTX 970. Don't have other graphic card related problems though and I'm running with ~45fps.
  3. Hey there, After sorting out CTD und Dark Face Issues I had with Nordic's Mod Guide I now have strange issues with flickering objects and textures. I've recorded the bug occurring at Elysium Estate, but I have the same problems in Whiterun and elsewhere: https://imgur.com/a/j4E68 My Load Order as created by LOOT: I think it has to do with the Load Order, but I can't figure out where the problem is although I tried moving mods altering overworld textures around a bit. Maybe you have an idea? :smile: Thanks!
  4. I didn't expect to get problems with it though, as I followed the guide which was designed with the load order in mind. Caught me a little off-guard there. :D I reported the issue to the author of the guide.
  5. Alright nevermind, I think I have found the error. Looks like it has been a problem with the position of "The Ordinary Women SSE" in the Load Order. I reinstalled the mod, which moved it to the bottom and now it seems to work properly... Strange because it was stated otherwise in the guide.
  6. Hello there, I recently got back into Skyrim with following Nordic's Mod Guide. Now I have played for a few hours and just exited Dragonsreach after speaking with the Jarl. However, for some reason, my Game does a quiet CTD everytime I get near the Bannered Mare. I figured out that it may have to do with Danica Pure-Spring, because the CTD normally occurs when she gets into my FOV for a little bit. So I think it has to do with some NPC mod, but I just can't seem to find which one is causing the crash, especially because every other NPC seems to work fine. I've also tried to reinstall several mods from which I though that may be connected but it didn't help. Papyrus logs also don't show anything. Maybe some of you might have an idea? :smile: My Load Order: Here's the SKSE-Crashdump analysis: Thank you!
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