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Posts posted by brucevayne

  1. Hello everyone,


    I'm brucevayne, creator of Fearsome Magicka mod. You can see a trailer here, you can also see some of the spells here.


    The mod hasn't been updated from the end of year 2011... and it would be nice to have it updated :D

    It is due to the fact that it requires a mod Screen Effects mod, that is currently outdated(replaced with Oblivion Reloaded).

    Other thing is that the mod still may have some bugs(one that I know of is related to Rise Undead spell).


    Now, since I'm taking a long break from modding, I'm looking for some modder to take care of this mod of mine... and by taking care I mean to develop it further. The mod has great potential even as it is right now(that is, after making it compatible with Oblivion Reloaded). If it would be developed further, might be one of the best magic mods for Oblivion there are.


    If any of you skilled modders are interested please post here or PM me.


    Before you do you have to know, that modding this mod is mainly about OBSE scripting(with addition of some Pluggy, Refstuff and Algohol commands).




  2. My Oblivion is 1.20214, and there are only four mods that are both used be me and you:

    -Reneers Guard Overhaul


    -Ren Beauty Pack

    -Realistic Force (I use medium)

    I'll try to disable each of them and then see what will happen.


    Btw, how did you created list of mods, manually? Or is there another way?

  3. My game crashes during the MQ final animation, just when Akatosh tunrs into stone(well, it is the first time I finished MQ, so I think it is that what will became with him). It happens every time, exactly in the same point. Does anybody experienced something similair?
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