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Posts posted by hedop

  1. Why would they corrupt saves? They never did that. The game simply bugged out usually which is easily solved, simply uninstall the mods and repair the files via gog or steam. But yes, usually a new patch tends to break mods. That is my experience at least. I haven't had any saves corrupted, but just in case I always have two or three of the important ones. You would probably be better of asking in the mod/technical forum for the witcher games:





  2. Hey guys,

    I was curious since I came across this:




    Apparently this is something not a lot of people actually know, but while CDPR didn't offer the player to change your choice of lover later in the game again (which results often in an alone Geralt as ending), you actually can on PC with console commands.
    I think it is a really stupid game design flaw, because you can commit yourself to Triss way earlier, sometimes 10-20 hours before meeting Yen again and if you actually start to like Yennefer more also thanks to the quests at Skellige, you are screwed.
    In my personal opinion the introduction of Yennefer really starts, when you arrive at Skellige, but then it's already too late. If you want to be with her instead of Triss now, you are screwed, because you will end alone, when you tell both women that you love them.
    So what can you do to change it?
    On consoles you are screwed, unless you reload an older savegame, but on PC you can activate the console with this mod.
    It allows you to open the console with F2 and then you can change your choice of lover with these commands:
    Of course this works vice versa, just change remove with add.
    I just tested it once again (version 1.10) to trigger the threesome quest and change the welcome at Kaer Morhen, it works, although I can't guarantee that it also changes the ending sequence, since I haven't finished the game with those changed facts, but I am pretty sure it does, when it affects quests immediately.
    I will show it to you:
    You just did everyting in Velen and Novigrad, told Triss you loved her (or to stay) and now you go to Skellige and Yennefer hits you like a truck (in a postive way), what can you do to change your initial choice? You remove the facts that you told Triss to love her "removefact(q309_triss_lover)" and to stay "removefact(q309_triss_stayed)". She will come to Kaer Morhen nonethelss, don't worry about that and the achievement.
    If you haven't done the quest "The Last Wish" yet, it shouldn't be necessary to use "addfact(sq202_yen_girlfriend)", since you will still have the opportunity to do that in that quest.
    So if you have removed those facts and added the other one, you should be fine.
    How do you know it worked?
    With patch 1.10 CDPR added a little bit more of romantic content to the game including a changed arrival at Kaer Morhen. When you are alone with Triss and Yennefer after arriving, either Triss or Yennefer will ask, whether you want to have a minute with the other one. That other one is your lover at the moment.
    Another moment is the threesome sequence, this is the crucial one. It happens immediately after the Lodge wants to talk with Ciri, this talk happens after you have helped Yennefer, Triss and Avallac'h in Novigrad. If you have told both women to love them, a sequence will start immediately after the talk is over, if that doesn't happen, only one woman is your lover at this point.
    Close to the end of the game there will be another scene, in which one of the women will approach you. If it is the right one, you did it right.


    Is this still viable? Is there a list of commands like that? But more importantly, is there a possibility to change Ciri's fate like that? That would be a nice possibility for people who do not want to replay the game more or less completely before starting Blood and Wine if they want to make sure that they have all possible decisions active that could influence who comes to visit you in Toussaint.

  3. Sorry for the necro but I haven't checked the nexus forum in forever and was just cracking up so massively when reading your posts. I have never ever seen Bethesda being ripped so mercilessly anywhere. Usually the fanbois chime in and tell everyone how great Bethesda is, that Skyrim is way bigger than the Witcher, that all those random quests are really the soul of any RPG and that it makes sense for some random farmer to tell you he lost his ring while collecting wood somewhere and then you find out he collected the wood in some 5 level deep dungeon with no trees whatsoever on the other side of the map and you go "The f*#@?".


    Seriously, from the bottom of my heart: thank you for this. Even back in the day I could not stand Skyrim and I have always loathed how they ripped the sould out of my beloved Fallout franchise and how no one said a word. I'm so absolutely happy with CDPR showing them up not only when it comes to showing what is possible but also when it comes to pricing (Fallout 4 season pass 49.99 for stuff no one wants, Witcher 3 18 free DLC plus 2 expansions worth about 50+ hours for 24.99)

  4. Well tbh what were they supposed to do? Have both DLC ready to go? They developed them and tbh it's still a pretty striking success to develope a 30+ hours DLC in under a year. Furthermore I do not think Fallout 4 is a good game number 1, I do not think it is an RPG number 2. It's shoddily developed, has the souls of the franchise and the soul of what is nowadays considered an RPG (decision making, dialogue, character building etc.) ripped out, has been massively overpriced (60 bucks) and has a massively overpriced Season Pass (49.99) which so far has only released absolute rubbish.So no, I don't think they lost hype or anything since most people are still playing and replaying the game because to finish it is a massive undertaking.

    Now I don't know if it's the right subforum but since people request mods here I might as well try my luck and request a savegame here:

    So i checked the Nexus and there isn't one that is exactly like I'm looking for.

    - I am looking for an NG+ savegame which is complete (including Hearts of Stone) so it should be around Level 70 if possible

    - it should be a fairly complete savegame (I don't mind the question marks BUT all quests, sidequests, treasure hunts should be done, all alchemical stuff should have been collected, all witcher armors and weapons should be available, all Gwent cards should have been found, all places of power should have been used... you get the idea)

    - I personally do not mind the Witcher 2 decisions but I would prefer having saved Aryan LaValette, having spared Letho, having freed Saskia from the spell and not killed her

    - Witcher 3 decisions:
    - be with Yennefer, Ciri becomes Empress
    - helped Triss
    - saved Roche/Thaler/Ves
    - having recruited everyone to Kaer Morhen (don't care about Dijkstra but Keira, all the Skellige lads, Triss, Letho, Roche and Ves should be there)
    - having assassinated Radovid
    - possibly having Cerys as Queen of Skellige, but I don't really mind
    - saved the Barons wife
    - killed Whoreson
    - defeated Gaunter O'Dimm
    - slept with every girl you can find ;)
    - if I forgot something just ask

    Now I do have a savegame which is similar that I can offer in return. The only difference there is that Ciri becomes a witcher and I end up with Triss. Otherwise it's basically the same NG+ all sidequests done, HoS done, main quest done, all armors found and crafted, loads of runes, loads of mutagens, loads of crowns, all I haven't done are most of the smuggling caches on Skellige and some treasures since I couldn't be bothered but you can probably mop them up, if you so desire in about 2 hours or so. Otherwise everything is complete, all races, all fistfights, all alchemical formulae (besides Doppler and succubus because it's against the Witcher code to kill them, most of the monsters trophies are still there, all Gwent cards and I won all tournaments and games). The savegame hasn't been altered in any way, it's all my blood, sweat and tears.

    The reason I'm looking for the other kind of savegame is that I would like to replay blood and wine with a Yen/Ciri empress ending and I do not have the patience to basically complete all of Skellige/the endgame/HoS again, since I have done so 3 times already but twice in NG and I would prefer and NG+ savegame for Blood and Wine.

    I would however not mind terribly if you could offer a complete NG save with my desired specifications since my NG savegames with those decisions are in a fairly bad state as a several quests bugged out etc. Preferably I would like a NG+ savegame though.

    I appreciate the help.


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