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About Revan97111

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    United States

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  1. "a dreaming mod" for me too but really hard to realize i am afraid! You can take control of npcs and creature by cheating or by a mod somewhere on nexus but you can only make them move!
  2. synopsis : Fighting alongside an old Ennemie (Mirrak resurrected) against tormented souls of dead's Drogonborn and a new (witchmaster) foe witch stole the power of the voice. *A Big quest for the dragonborn on the dragonborn! *Go in Hell to free Mirrak from his damnation. *a Big come back on Mirrak's past who's still a villain despite being now an ally. *Fight an evil form of yourself. *Get the true Dragonborn's form *A big final between Mirrak , you and the usurper.(Only one will remain)
  3. +1 with 2 handed animation foward double slash attack from the musou berserk. haaaaaaaaaa!
  4. How to make a follower become an essential(can't be killed) enemy?
  5. + *I want the Guts Triple slash blade attack forward animation from this anime!
  6. Create Two playables dragonborns 1 male and 1 female and be able switch between them (ref GTA 4)
  7. I would love ennemis npc with same stat as a usual companions mods 'like their own armor and sword" or magic background story, it would be cool!!!
  8. Legendary edition forever make the good choice!!!
  9. a switch mod between nora (female pc) and her husban (male pc) could make it well!!!!
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