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Everything posted by Deleted771212User

  1. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/38734/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D38734%26preview%3D&pUp=1 I tried contacting Mr Siika himself but I cannot send him any messages. So I am asking for a conversion of this resource, and if that is not possible, I am asking for great city building resources. Thanks!
  2. Hard to believe that every stone and tree was handplaced in oblivion and skyrim...
  3. How do I automatically generate forests in CK so I dont have to place every rock and tree one by one? I think the Oblivion CS had a feature like this but I just can't understand how it is done in CK. Im creating a whole new worldspace based on a modders resource island.
  4. Bumbing is forbidden and you should try the mod detectives rather than making a new topic.
  5. My previous projects were too abitious so this time im going to try a simple mod with a few quest for a certain faction. In the mod you are able to join the Gold Road Brigands, a group of bandits. The quest will begin when the player finds a wealthy trader near greenmead cave on the gold road. The trader talks to the player and tells that he and his 4 bodyguards have been attacked by a small group of bandits. Now the player can decide if he simply helps the trader to kill a few bandits for a small payment, or slay the trader and his bodyguards and take his goods. Helping the trader would end the questline, but if you decide to kill the trader, the bandits will aproach the player from nearby bushes, and tell the player that they could use some fresh meat in their band of merry men. And this way the player joins the Gold Road Brigands. So the thing is that I can't really script or make quests. I can build with the CS pretty well, but the mod can't be made with a decent scripter. One fella would be enough to help me with this. Thanks in advance.
  6. I wish the game had ghouls in it. Im fed up with zombies and skeletons. I think the creature could use troll animations as it would be cool to make them move with four limbs, only a new mesh has to be made. Here are a few pics of diffirent ghouls: Warcraft 3 ghoul ghoul ghoul Warcraft 3 has awesome ghouls and Dark messiah also. They have great animations and are fast.
  7. Cool creature! Would really be nice if someone would do that. Kinda demonic to say :D You have a typo in the first wasteland word in your signature or what ever :D
  8. Is this dead? We did so much work and now this is forgotten? :(
  9. Zeta was a goddamn maze and buggy. Hey Vic or pronam, how is the mod going?
  10. Pitt rocked! I loved the dark and gruesome raider theme. Zeta totally sucked. I added your steam.
  11. Yeah it was way too short and the bluescreens made me stop playing it. I loved the pitt and point lookout. With FOOK mod ofc :D
  12. I've been playing dods, Company of heroes and fallout3. Now I'm getting back to oblivion scene. And new computer parts are on the way :D Hey Jepuliz what's your steam?
  13. In his speech Ashur mentions that everyone is a worker, in the alleys mills and warzones. Maybe we should build an urban warzone and of course expand the whole Pitt! Pitt raiders defending Pitt and some other forces attacking it. Small trenches in the streets, enemy snipers etc. It would be cool. Sort of like anchorage situation where the player could choose wich way he will help the pitt. Take out the sniper nest, destroy a grenade launcher post etc. Be creative and post! I'm thinking to start building the pitt when I get my new comp. Post :biggrin:
  14. Post progress please :D I'm really waiting for this mod! It would be a good idea in my opinion to add somekind of travelling trade caravans visiting the town, and dealing supplies. And also respawning attackers...
  15. Oh I would love this. There just aren't enough mods for slavery or contract killing. Evil players need caps too! :D I'm using FNNCQ allready but the fact that it is not stable annoys me. FNNCQ first, this next! :)
  16. Hey when doing the textures, please add atleast one neutral armor without any logos or that stuff. I hate to wear BoS or Outcast armor...
  17. Ok I gotta say this is a damn big mod. Maybe you should not make it a TC. Just saying. I have seen a lot of good big ideas never made. I had a few of them too. But hey, sounds interesting. :D
  18. Is there space in the team for me? I used to mod oblivion, but due to computer issues is left modding alone and started playing fallout 3. I'm buying a new computer soon, wich means I can start modding again. I haven't modded fallout yet but I have heard that the CS and GECK are almost the same program. So can I join ya? :D
  19. Hey fellas. Im glad that you don't let the mod die. I'll gladly share my esp. file for you guys if you need it. It ain't much but if you want to make this work, it could help.
  20. Ok I have retreated from modding oblivion. Computer Crashed and now I only have an old version of alethia. I can share it if you want to keep on with it. Send me a pm if interested.
  21. It feels that this mod is dying. I've lost interest to keep working on this mod by my own. But, I'm still doing this. I hope we get some modding help and activity.
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