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  1. I just figured it out. It had something to do with adding this in the Fallout4Custom.ini file located in MyDocuments/MyGames/Fallout4/ (Just being specific in case someone else experiences this issue.) [Archive]bInvalidateOlderFiles=1sResourceDataDirsFinal= Why did Bethesda add this arbitrary step to Fallout 4? I lost hours on this.
  2. It's gotten a bit silly at this point. Do I need to move the .pex files to another folder or something? I haven't seen a guide telling me to do so or anything. I've tried even little things such as just taking a quest's the 'SetObjectiveDisplayed(300)' and changing the number value to a different valid objective ID to see if it would work and it doesn't. I load up Fallout 4, complete said stage of the quest, and the next objective displayed is the correct one, not my changed one. I am not experiencing any compiler errors. If I go to my 'Data\Scripts\Fragments\Quests' folder where the fragments are created, the date modified time changes. The mod .esp is enabled with the check box. I can only assume the fragments I made aren't loading. Either my .esp isn't loading them, or they are in the wrong folder. Is there some stupid mistake I am making here?
  3. Alright, thanks for the help. I really wanted to avoid duplicating voice lines. Very in-efficient and makes the mod bulkier in size.
  4. I want to re-use some lines of dialog an NPC says into an alternate dialog scene. However, the CK defaults the audio path for the line to 'Data\Sound\Voice\<my mod>.esp\NpcsName\RandomNumberGen...' Is there a way to select the base game's audio file as the path for the dialog? I understand I could easily make duplicates of the files, but that is messy and I'd prefer not to make a copy every time I want to use an already existing line. The path to the default sound file is 'Data/Sound/Voice/Fallout4.esm/NPCMLiamBinet/0011289F_1...' I can't seem to change the path no matter what I do. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/xnDRQJN.png
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